Like basically all of the rest of fandom apparently, I am in the flush of new fandom love with the Avengers. My pinboard has basically become all Avengers recs, all the time. Some of my Thoughts and Feelings after a few weeks of devouring all possible fic:
- I've been reading basically any and every pairing so far, short of the ones that squick me (Thor/Loki) or the ones I have basically no interest in (Clint/Coulson). I'm not that into movieverse Steve/Tony, though I can definitely see where it's coming from comics-wise.
- I am kind of in love with Tony/Pepper, and I have to admit a big reason why is that they just looked so happy and adorable together in the movie. Breaking them up in fic feels like kicking two adorable puppies. This has led to me backspacing out of a lot of fic where Pepper is inexplicably out of the picture and Tony is paired with someone else.
- Also, I find it incredibly hilarious and charming that Avengers Tony Stark is like the most stable, normal person in the movie. He's in a committed relationship! He's a legitimate businessman and superhero! He has a life and friends outside of superheroing and being Iron Man! He is inevitably the one to be all, "Hey guys I have this giant tower and/or mansion you can all live in with me? LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU (and by take care of you, I mean build you toys/weapons and give you awesome rooms etc)."
- SCIENCE BROS. Ugh, Tony and Bruce still give me a lot of feelings, my love for their adorable friendship is huge and embarrassing. I want to read all the fic about them bonding. All of it. Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner is just really, ridiculously endearing, and makes me want to ruffle his hair and hug him.
- MOTHERFUCKING NATASHA ROMANOVA. I still love her, lots, and I am gratified to see that she isn't being ignored fic-wise. I mean, obviously, if I had it my way, Avengers fic would be about 40% Natasha fic, 50% gen team shenanigans, and 10% assorted pairings. But I am coming round to really quite liking Natasha/Clint, because the pairing has that thing I really love where two people are more than just friends, lovers, partners: they just are. (See also Dani Reese and Charlie Crews, where one plus one equals one.)
- Cap! He's just so genuinely good. It's so refreshing to have a hero who's not an anti-hero.
- I'm one of those fans who doesn't really care much about Loki. Tom Hiddleston is adorable and all, and there's a definite case to be made for Loki's redemption, I just don't care. Loki inspires no fannish feelings in me. I'm not entirely certain why, though I guess I'm not surprised. I feel the same way about the Master from Doctor Who. That character type just doesn't do it for me, though I guess Methos is the exception? His evil villain days are a couple thousand years behind him though, and I've never been interested in Horsemen fic, so hm. Still, Loki is so close to being the kind of character I could love! If only he didn't have such tedious daddy issues and was more of a trickster, and was less with the random murdering and being terrible to Natasha.
- I'm really trying not to be bitter about Clint/Coulson and its popularity, because I have come around to being rather fond of Coulson. That "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer" short sold me on him. But I just can't help but think "any two white dudes pairing" when it comes to Coulson and Clint. I've read my fair share of any two white dude slash (that Arthur/Eames phase), but Clint/Coulson, fandom? Really? There's not even the comics canon excuse there, Coulson hasn't really been in the comics.
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