Mar 31, 2010 23:50

I am back in Berkeley, and there is a not insignificant portion of me that wants to have a tantrum about having to do actual work other than desultorily poking at my thesis again. But it's nose to the grindstone time, so I'll shut up my inner nine year old. I'm taking things easy today, just catching up on reading and stuff, but tomorrow! Tomorrow my productivity index will be so high you guys.

And okay, I wrote that paragraph two days ago, because it took longer than expected to come up with 101 narrative kinks.

And mostly as a way to just write something, and because it looked like fun when I saw it on my network, my 101 fiction kinks! Not (just) sexual, because that is TMI, and I do not have that many. Just the things that really make me love a story, that have me picking up a book or watching a show even if it is otherwise shit.

1. Finding home. This is absolutely one of my biggest fictional kinks, and it is why I adore the Odyssey. I adore the quest for home, whether it's a return, or a discovery. No matter what the SGA writers said, this is what SGA was about to me, and it's why I loved the fandom.
2. Finding family. Right up behind there and with finding home. I just find it incredibly affecting to see people build bonds of unconditional trust and love outside of the traditional family unit.
3. Threesomes! The best solution to all romantic triangles! But seriously, I really like the relationship dynamics of threesomes. I like how everyone has to negotiate with each other as couples and as a whole. Also, it is basically like having your cake and eating it too.
4. Epic, you-are-everything-to-me, soulmates in this lifetime and all others, world-ending kind of love. I imprinted on Sailor Moon, okay.
5. Domesticity! I love domesticity, mostly in fandoms where the characters are usually stopping apocalypses or saving the universe. I like seeing smaller, quieter moments in those sources where they can get lost in all of the world-saving.
6. Emotional intimacy before sex or a romantic relationship. I love the whole storyline where two people grow slowly closer and closer, until they realize that the other person is the one who knows them best.
7. Alien characters. Not just as in characters from another planet, but characters whose perspective is inhuman, or far removed from general understanding. This is why I love Castiel (and Misha Collins as Castiel), because he portrays that inhuman otherness so well: in those first Castiel episodes, it really does seem like there's something else, something inhuman underneath the human shell. Also, this is why I love the Doctor too, when it comes down to it.
8. Bickering couples! ...again, I imprinted on Sailor Moon.
9. Genius characters who are not socially maladept nerds, as so many shows portray them. Basically, I like seeing genius characters bludgeon people with their brains, and be good at people.
10. To go with genius characters, I like seeing really smart characters trade wits.
11. Competence. OMG, this is one of my biggest kinks and always gets me: a character being really, really good at something.
12. Characters who are unable to express their feelings but find someone who understands them anyway and loves them. Why yes, this particular kink came from SGA: oh John Sheppard and your total fail when it comes to emotions.
13. Reincarnation! Yeah, Sailor Moon again. What, it was my first fandom.
14. Genderfucked character dynamics: characters and relationships that flip the expected gender norms or roles. The Hunger Games series' Katniss/Peeta for example, or Gen/Irene.
15. Intense platonic friendship. I love romance, but I really love when a relationship is allowed to be intense, loving, and deeply important while remaining totally platonic, like Harry's friendship with Ron and Hermione.
16. Gods/Goddesses in relationships with mortals, whether they be romantic, mentoring, or friendly. Yeah, this is from the Odyssey too. I wanted books and books of Athena and Odysseus interaction.
17. Characters breaking, and then becoming stronger in the broken places. It's often how you really figure out how a character works, and who they really are.
18. Ruthless good guy characters (see Gen, Mal, Methos [sort of]).
19. Characters who are genuinely kind. I especially love Benton Fraser for this: Fraser is kind even though he knows the world won't necessarily reward or acknowledge his kindness as anything but naivete. Also Derek Morgan.
20. Kidfic. Yeah, I'm not even gonna front, I love kidfic.
21. I really love childhood friendships turning into romance.
22. Um, I don't know if this is the right way to put it, but I love when characters work out trust issues during foreplay or sex. Meredith Duran's Written On Your Skin is the best example I can think of for this.
23. Relationships that pass the broccoli test.
24. I love all barbed, loaded, viciously clever conversations.
25. Characters who are usually very controlled losing it, emotionally or sexually.
26. Characters with unexpected, secret passions, like that one fic where Dean Winchester plays the piano.
27. Thanks to Anne McCaffrey, human/animal companion friendships.
28. Outsider POV.
29. Having to pay a physical or spiritual price for a magical/psychic ability.
30. I'm still not bored with girls' coming of age stories.
31. Vengeful women.
32. The still waters run deep type of character. See Gibbs from NCIS: I have some problems with his character, but I sort of love that he's so quiet sometimes.
33. When people love each other, and aren't ashamed to say and show it frequently: Morgan and Garcia from Criminal Minds are the best at this. ("You are my God given solace.")
34. Teams! Crime-fighting teams, sports teams, super hero teams, I love all close, affectionate teams!
35. Good guy or ambivalent masterminds.
36. Awesome but reluctant forces for good.
37. People being carelessly or thoughtlessly affectionate with one another. I like the little details like that.
38. Rulers being awesome and badass.
39. Characters being able to bear terrible situations only because of each other.
40. Partnership of equals.
41. Really long, drawn out foreplay.
42. Intellectual foreplay.
43. That moment when a character takes a leap of faith and trusts someone, knowing what it might cost but doing it anyway.
44. Alternatively, when a character takes that big leap of trust and doesn't even notice they've done it, but the other character has and freaks out about it.
45. Making a sacrifice with eyes wide open, even when it hurts more than seems possible.
46. No one else understands me but you type of pairings.
47. That moment when a character comes into their power, or understands it. ("Are you ready to be strong?", "I make the king.")
48. The power of looooooove saving the day. (Again, Sailor Moon, ha.)
49. Characters with absurd or dry senses of humor.
50. I would do anything for love, but I won't do that! Except, yes, I totally will, because I do love you that much.
51. Time travel romance.
52. Literary mysteries! As in, mysteries involving literature, or epistolary mysteries, like Possession or The Evening Land.
53. Idtastic yes, but soulbonds. I sort of totally love soulbonds.
54. Surly, stoic, complicated female characters (Dani Reese I loooooveee yooooouuu.)
55. Culture clash stories.
56. Casual, affectionate, no strings attached sex, between two characters who just like each other. Basically, I like seeing angst free sex once in awhile.
57. Again with the id, but hurt/comfort. Especially when the comforter isn't really sure what to do, but is trying hard anyway.
58. Platonic student/teacher relationships.
59. Teenagers having mature romantic relationships. Bonus points if no one understands their love.
60. Building a society/civilization. This can be post-apocalyptic, or not.
61. I absolutely adore sci fi stories that involve aliens with complex and different societies than humans, and that not being a bad or scary thing.
62. Humans being the little plucky species that could, and aliens boggling at our stubbornness and weirdness while either trying to ally with us or kill us.
63. Stories about the power of words.
64. Unexpected alliances.
65. My partner's dead, just kidding type storylines.
66. Long, slow development of a romantic relationship.
67. Psychic super powers!
68. Supernatural creatures that don't angst endlessly about their supernaturalness.
69. Because stories seem so often preoccupied with the opposite, close, loving parent-child relationships.
70. Happy endings.
71. Longing, preferably the I'm miles from where you are kind of longing rather than unrequited.
72. Outside POV on characters or situations the reader is already familiar with.
73. What TV tropes calls a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass character.
74. Unresolved sexual tension, when it's in that sweet spot between infuriating and unconvincing.
75. Sexual tension that's acknowledged, but not acted on.
76. Absurd shenanigans! Connie Willis is great at this.
77. Misfits banding together.
78. Rashomon-style storytelling. House's "Three Stories" is one of the best executions of this.
79. Two people who become really close due to unexpected or extreme circumstances.
80. Small stories. By which I mean, I like the stories that aren't necessarily about saving the world or the country, or even just a family. I like quiet, small stories that are just about people's relationships with each other or something, the in-between stories.
81. Descent to the Underworld/Ascent from the Underworld.
82. Moments of grace.
83. That SGA classic: aliens made them do it.
84. Arranged marriage turning into love! Yeah, that's a slightly shameful romance novel trope right there.
85. Role reversal.
86. I have a shameful weakness for transcendent! the earth moved! meaningful sex.
87. Workplace families, like in Bones and Criminal Minds.
88. Escape stories: escape from prison, from slavery, whatever.
89. Stories about the power of stories
90. Gritty fairy tales.
91. Stories about secret worlds: like Narnia, London Belowground, Faerie, etc.
92. Stories where the city is a character in its own right.
93. I confess I am almost always fond of anthropomorphic representations of Death.
94. Hope. I'm a sucker for stories revolving around hope.
95. Despite not being very religious, I really like religious narratives.
96. Redemption arcs, though this particular kink is tainted by my hatred of woobification of characters on redemption arcs.
97. And now we're moving on to the sexual fictional kinks...Desperate, we're about to die/we almost died (wall)sex.
98. First-time sex!
99. Orgasm denial (of which there is not as much of as I would like.)
100. Public sex.
101. Voyeurism.

Whew! That was a lot harder than anticipated.

This entry was originally posted at http://yasaman.dreamwidth.org/336473.html, with
comments there.

meme, daily, navelgazing

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