OMG YOU GUYS. I just found out Malalai Joya is giving a talk and doing a signing here tonight! This improves my day a lot. And also makes coming to my Central Asia class worthwhile, because otherwise I would not have known about it. Now I know her talk will not be the most happy-making thing, what with Afghanistan and Afghan politics being a clusterfuck, but still. Malalai Joya, omg. Will report back on her talk later. Also, this reminds me to actually get her book.
Having the talk to look forward to makes finishing my stupid Persian response paper on Nizam Al-Mulk's Siyasatnameh way more bearable. It should really not be so hard to finish two pages of response and perfunctory analysis, and yet. My level of hate for Persian sentence structure is great. I know, it is my native language, and yet. Doing any kind of academic writing in it is painful, because the sentence structure just gets so convoluted. I want clarity and simplicity of style in my Persian writing, but it just doesn't seem possible within the strictures of its grammar. Augh, maybe I just need to slog through the Persian equivalent of Strunk and White or something.
In other news, Thanksgiving break cannot come soon enough. Also, I really need to get off my ass and start working on my papers instead of just halfheartedly poking at research for them. This weekend will be spent in the library, this I vow!
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