Too Lazy for a Title

Oct 24, 2009 21:27

I am mostly recovered from the brief cold of earlier in the week. I don't approve of getting another cold so soon after the last one; it's been a really long time (like, really) since I've gotten sick so often, so I hope my immune system has revved up sufficiently. I'll get the H1N1 vaccine once the university health center has it, and after that it's up to your heroic efforts immune system! Maintain your previous levels of excellence, I beg you! I give you enough sleep and vitamin C, don't I? Anyway, I have no time available to schedule further illnesses. It's full speed ahead from here on out.

Anyway, more assorted TV and fandom notes! I remain lazy, and thus they are in bullet form.

  • So, White Collar eh? I'M CALLING IT: NEXT BIG FANDOM. (At least, I hope!)
  • But no, seriously, Matthew Bomer AKA Bryce from Chuck is hot like burning, even more so when he is rakish and charming and wearing a snazzy suit and hat. I greatly appreciated the bit in the pilot where he was shirtless. Cater to the female gaze moar USA!
  • The chemistry between him and the FBI guy is quite satisfying! One episode in though, and I am totes shipping Neal/FBI agent/FBI agent's wife. I hope the burgeoning fandom will cater to my needs! Hell, I hope Yuletide will cater to my needs on this one. (Because yes, this was nominated before the pilot aired.)
  • Really though, I want the major pairing to be the threesome. Because adultery/infidelity is a squick of mine, and I do not think I could bear to read the metric tons of fic erasing poor Elizabeth from the equation. Anyway, too early to be worried about such things. For now, I should stick with squee.
  • In case you are wondering if there is more to this show than hotness and slashy and threesome-y chemistry, I assure you there is! The dialogue is snappy, the characters are smart and funny, and I like the premise of art thief/forger/conman Neal Cafferty getting to play consultant to the FBI to stay out of prison.
  • Moving on from White, I occasionally browse the delicious tag for Harry Potter in search of new fic to read. I don't know why I continue doing this, because it is almost always fruitless. People only tag a) shitty HP fic, b) H/D fic that is either more than two years old, shitty, or involves infidelity, c) Snarry (which is like my most hated pairing ever), and d) all manner of other appalling shit. There is even the occasional Harry/Edward Twilight crossover, which LOLOLOL and also AUGH WTF NO.
  • Most annoying of all to me, probably really irrationally so, is the one person who ONLY RECS (and evidently only reads) H/D fic in which Harry bottoms. I do not get it. I mean, I guess it's just a kink? It is just literally something I just do not care or think about ever while reading fic, and almost never see labeled in fic headers. Though I totally have backbuttoned out of many a fic that takes top/bottom dynamics too far, or makes the whole goddamn fic about who bottoms. (A high proportion of these fics involve inadequate or inappropriate lube. Also, crying.) I got out of anime fandoms for a reason you guys!
  • Speaking of fics I've backbuttoned out of, and how I should know better than to ever click on any delicioused HP fics if I'm unfamiliar with the reccer: so I read this fic where Albus (Potter) comes out to Harry and Ginny, and Harry flips out and starts screaming about how he'll never get to go to his son's wedding now. Which, lol, no. Harry Potter the dad is going to fucking dote on his children, and nothing short of one of them turning into the next Voldemort will stop him from being a loving, if sometimes clueless and overprotective dad. Harry's likely reaction to one of his kids coming out to him: awkward silence, followed by awkward questions, possibly followed by an awkward and traumatizing anecdote about Albus Dumbledore and his sexy fling with Grindelwald, after which Harry will say, "But I'm sure you will have better taste in boyfriends than future dark wizards right? Ahaha. Er. Probably not the best example. Anyway, I still love you Al!" And then he'll flee, make Hermione research everything on parenting a gay child, and come back armed with yet more awkward but well-intentioned parenting skills.
  • Still no more decent Criminal Minds gen fic.
  • So, Flashforward totally lost me. Which is a shame, because I did like the book. Unfortunately, I would have much preferred watching a TV show where a bunch of physicists at the LHC try to figure out what the fuck they did that led to the whole world blacking out, as opposed to a bunch of tedious FBI agents.
  • Glee also lost me. I can never stick with something when I actively dislike almost all of the characters (though I do think Sue is totally fucking hilarious), and feel absolutely no emotional attachment to any of them. And it is discouraging that based on others' reactions, the whole "bitches are crazy, amirite?" thing, and the "white straight kids are what this show is all about! pay no attention to the minorities in the background!" thing remain unchallenged.
  • More SGU schadenfreude: apparently the TWoP boards are full of people criticizing the show for its sexism! io9 made a post about it! Also consensus seems to be that the Stargate crew are just not smart or good enough to attempt BSG-lite.
  • House is still pleasing me. Especially how married House and Wilson are. Also, the House/Cuddy sexual tension.

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fandom, tv, house, health, daily, harry potter, white collar, fanfiction

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