Impatient, Memeing Miscellany

Jun 30, 2009 14:00

I'm hungry, but there is nothing I really feel like eating. Well, I suppose I could stand to have a peanut butter banana sandwich. And then yogurt and strawberries. Mmmmm. Never mind, I do feel like eating something. In a moment I will assemble my meal.

Before then though, meme! Five questions from
nextian. Comment if you want five questions too.

1. Favorite place in Berkeley?

This is hard! My favorite places in Berkeley are related to either scenery, food, or books. Or some amazing combination of those three. Anyway, my favorite spot in Berkeley, as in a place I adore just in its placeness if that makes sense, is that part of Campanile Plaza right underneath the Campanile where you can see straight to the Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge on a clear day. It's one of the loveliest views on campus. Other favorite places include: Euclid Street, the Gourmet Ghetto, and the Morrison Reading Room.

2. If someone were to write the epic Kirk/Spock/Uhura of your heart, how would it go? Who would initiate it? Who'd explain to McCoy after the third time they all catch an STD from Jim?

Ahaha. Okay, so the epic Kirk/Spock/Uhura of my heart would basically involve Spock/Uhura trying to...fix Kirk, I suppose. Like, I think it is pretty clear that NuTrek Kirk is pretty messed up, yes? So, like, at the beginning of their five year mission Kirk keeps coming on to Spock and Uhura and angling for a threesome in a totally joking way. Spock and Uhura mostly just bear their captain's little idiosyncrasies at first, as he is otherwise a totally competent and awesome captain. But as the mission goes on, they all get to know each other what with all of the near-death experiences and harrowing away missions, etc, and Spock and Uhura get to really know Jim in all his glorious fucked-upness. And they both sort of mutually agree that they're fascinated by him, and that someone needs to make Jim less of an emotional disaster, and just generally look after him. (Uhura secretly thinks she could use some help to make Spock less of a repressed emotional disaster, and Spock secretly thinks Uhura could use someone of her own species to make up for his own perceived shortcomings in their relationship.) Also, Jim is way hot, and Spock and Uhura both agree on that. So Spock and Uhura start to just...subtly and not-so-subtly include Kirk in their relationship. Like, inviting him over to dinner, and looking out for him after he's injured, etc. Basically, I want them all to be emotionally intimate first, with the hot threesome sex kind of sneaking up on Jim. *beams* That got a bit long, didn't it. Clearly, someone needs to write this.

3. When you enter a new fandom, what's your fannish consumption pattern?

For an older fandom with a closed canon, I ease myself into it by reading crossovers with fandoms I'm familiar with first. If any authors I already like have written in the fandom, I read their stuff first. Then I proceed to read every halfway decent gen fic in the fandom, after which point I have probably developed Opinions on pairings and characterizations, and seek out more specific stuff via recs, delicious, and the crack_van. My pattern is way more variable when it comes to an open canon, because then it's often just whatever catches my fancy, and with a really new fandom, whatever is posted. Like, with Merlin, I totally didn't bother with my usual phase of gen reading. Not much gen exists in that fandom, but still: I was (and am) all Merlin/Arthur all the time. With the new ST, my tastes are much wider than usual, but I still find myself preferring gen. Generally speaking though, my initial fandom consumption pattern is: read voraciously.

4. Who are you stalking on Etsy these days?

I generally try to stay away from the many and varied temptations of Etsy, because I am weak-willed in the face of so much awesome. But I really adore Sylvia's jewelry, particularly the garden collection. It's pretty fancy and on the expensive side, but they're all lovely and unique pieces.

5. Your paid account has expired and you only get six icons! Which would you keep?

I swear, my unreasonable attachment to all of my icons is about 70% of the reason why I maintain paid accounts. So this is difficult! I think I would keep my default, and these:

In other news, I am feeling mildly impatient. Impatient about what? Everything! Big bang fics appearing! The weekend coming! Getting work over with! Eating! Music! My stupid French textbook arriving! Finishing the book I'm reading! It is a surfeit of impatience, and it displeases me.

meme, fandom, berkeley, daily

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