Feb 05, 2009 20:27
It is Thursday afternoon [or, at least it was when I started writing this, ha], and I am done with classes! How awesome is that? That is why Thursday nights are for watching television; the rest of the weekend is for work, class reading, and assorted errands. But tonight? Tonight I catch up on TV, and it will be glorious. New Life and Chuck and Bones! New American Idol, and best of all, it is the deliciously drama-filled Hollywood week! Anyway, a few notes on TV wot I have been watching:
I've been following Leverage with only slightly more than mild interest. It's fun, and I love watching how they pull the cons off. Also, I adore Aldis Hodge as Hardison; I admit, at first I kept staring at him with wounded eyes thinking, "You killed Sammy!" But he is so geeky and hilarious in Leverage, it's utterly charming. Also, Parker and her crazy are awesome. So, in conclusion, Leverage is a lot of fun, but I'm not absolutely in love with it.
I was quite pleased and pleasantly surprised when I heard the new Being Human had started. And yay, I approve of the new Being Human! I was dubious when I heard about the casting changes, and worried about how different it would be from the original movie/pilot, but I quite like it thus far. I actually really adore new!Mitchell. Like, a lot. Old!Mitchell was great, and I liked his inhuman, languid, slithery sort of quality...But I really like how clear it is that New!Mitchell is really trying to be human, how he really has thrown in his lot with humans, through no small amount of trouble. There are still disturbing vampire bits where you remember what he is, and I think it's all the more affecting with new!Mitchell's sincere attempts at being mostly normal. Also, he is just plain adorable, omg. Hot, yes, but also sweet and absolutely adorable, especially with George and Annie.
Speaking of Annie, I also really like new!Annie! I miss old!Annie's faintly incomprehensible accent, but new!Annie is very sweet and winning. She reminds me of Rose, a bit. Though the bits of her back story revealed thus far are breaking my heart. And the series as a whole seems quite dark in places. I have actually made this face D: a lot. In general though, I'm really pleased with how the show is handling tried and true genre tropes. It's not annoyingly derivative, but neither is it fucking with established mythologies just to fuck with them. (I'm looking at you Twilight! ...I am so glad Mitchell is nothing like Edward.)
TV I am not watching at the moment includes Supernatural. Not because I've broken up with it! I just need to take a break! It's not you, it's me baby! God, Supernatural is totally my abusive boyfriend of a show, what with my crawling back to it after it kept punching me in the ovaries. But at the moment, I'm actually just taking a break because I'm kind of burned out on it. And because it's kind of depressing me. I'm tempted to wait until the finale and spoil myself for it so I know if Kripke is going to be my abusive boyfriend again.
Okay, I'm off to watch MOAR TELEVISION (Hulu I love you!). Perhaps later on or tomorrow, I will post about some of the books I've been reading for class lately, because I like to at least make a pretense of being intellectual sometimes.
being human