Who Needs Sleep When We've Got Love?

Feb 10, 2008 21:16

Title; Who Needs Sleep When We've Got Love?
Pairing; Akame
Rating; PG-13
Summary; Jin has a surprise for Kame at 3:00 AM on a weekday. But it has nothing to do with his lower anatomy. (For once)

Jin shows up at the gate of Kame’s apartment complex at 3:20 AM sharp, presses the button until his index finger turns white and shouts over the intercom in a voice not at all suited for the sleeping neighborhood.

“Ne, Kame, buzz me in! C’mon, hurry, hurry, we can’t waste any time, getupgetupgetup!”

Kame wakes up to Jin’s incessant gibberish, tumbles out of bed and gropes around in the dark, because it is currently 3 hours before the sun (and any normal person) rises, and unlocks the gate for a flustered and frantic Jin. Opening his front door in time to catch him almost tripping over his own feet, Kame massages his temples with his fingers and groans.

Jin rushes into the apartment a furious whirlwind of loud words and flailing arms. With his hand still rubbing his head, Kame waits, sweatpants dragging on the floor and his hair in a tousled mess. When Jin catches his breath and finally calms down, he looks at Kame with shining, wide eyes and a grin from ear to ear.

“Okay, Kame. I hope you are ready for this, I came up with it when I was watching late night television at home and I called Pi and he said that he’s too hung over for nonsense but it’s great and I know some of my ideas aren’t brilliant but this one is and just listen, okay?”

“Okay,” Kame says, padding back to his bed and wrapping his comforter around his shoulders. “I’m listening.”

It’s really fun, Jin explains, and it’s a respected sport and couples do it sometimes and a bunch of Japanese people are great at it, so they should try it together.

“I still don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kame yawns, rubbing at one eye like a cat would with its paw. “And why do we have to do it at 3 in the morning?”

“We have to beat everyone there! It’s not fun when it’s crowded,” Jin reasons, and walks over to where Kame is seated to pull him up and tug at his pajamas. “So, HURRY, Kame!” he pleads.

Kame is ushered into the bathroom and tossed an outfit Jin grabs from the closet; a pair of dark jeans (good for standing in and not much else), a t-shirt, and a jacket he snuck home from the filming of Sapuri. 5 minutes later, in the middle of shrugging on his pants, Kame hears a high pitched whine loud enough to wake the dogs, and hurries to open the door.

While leaving his apartment, Kame is nearly thrown over Jin’s shoulder and carried to the car like a potato sack, but he retains some of his dignity and Jin settles with shushing him impatiently from behind.

Jin speeds down the streets barely under the speed limit, fingers gripping the steering wheel, and saying how much fun they are going to have and how much Kame is going to love him for being so wonderfully clever. They make a stop at a building Kame recognizes as Ryo’s and Jin dashes out, runs up the stairs and returns with a heavy bag banging against his legs. He dumps the bag in the backseat and tosses a key in Kame’s lap.

“Hold that,” Jin says, and slams his foot on the accelerator so hard that Kame bangs his head against the headrest.

They arrive at a place Kame’s never seen before, a big building with thin, dark windows and towering columns, with a sign that Kame can’t read because it’s still hours before sunrise and far too dark.

Jin leads the way, the bag in his left hand, and unlocking the large wooden door with his right. The door swings open and Kame sees that it is pitch-dark inside. Clinging to Jin’s sweater sleeve, Kame is quiet and a little bit scared, and wonders what Jin has gotten them into this time. Feeling a sudden waft of cold air, Kame blinks hard as Jin flips on the bright fluorescent lights in the giant room.

Holding one hand over his eyes to shade the light, Kame gets a hold of his surroundings and realizes where Jin has brought them.

“An ice skating rink?” Kame says, incredulous that this isn’t one of Jin’s half baked ideas. “You wanted us to go ice skating?”

Jin beams and reaches into the bag and pulls out two pairs of skates, handing a pair to Kame and setting the other on the bench next to him.

Motioning for Kame to put them on, Jin begins lacing his own, tightening the laces and tapping the heels on the floor with a thud. He looks up, and seeing that Kame has only half of one skate laced, Jin spins him around on the bench and skillfully finishes the job, tying a tight knot at the top.

“We have 2 hours before the janitor is supposed to show up for work,” says Jin, before getting up and stomping towards the entrance. “So we have to make the best of it, okay?” A baked plan, Kame decides, thoroughly and fully baked.

The blubbering clumsy idiot that appeared Kame’s apartment an hour earlier disappears as Jin glides on the ice with amazing poise and skill. He floats above the smooth, pure ice, skimming across the surface with a light push of his leg before stopping with a spray of ice to look at Kame questioningly.

”I’ve been ice skating like, twice in my life,” Kame shouts across the rink, hands gripping the sides and feet awkwardly disobedient. “I am going to fall on my ass, Jin.”

Like some angel of mercy, Jin flies over to where Kame is fastened to the wall and reaches out with both hands. “Here,” he offers, smiling, “Hold onto me.”

Kame hesitates but eventually lets go of the railing and clutches at Jin for support. It gets easier, Jin says, and that it takes a little getting used to, like someone getting his sea legs. The two move slowly, and it’s mostly Jin pulling Kame along, who, with one hand securely latched to Jin’s, openly thrashes at the air with the other for balance. But Jin was right and it does get better and eventually they are two people holding hands, gliding over the ice, content and happy and noses red from the cold. It goes well until Jin decides to teach Kame how to stop.

“Hold one skate so it’s at an angle, no, like this, yeah, that’s right, and use the heel of your other foot to dig into the ice, yes, like that, wait, no, wait-!” Kame doesn’t put his skate at an angle and digs in with his toe, loses his balance and grabs the nearest thing-the collar of Jin’s sweater and the two go down, falling on top of each other with a yelp on Kame’s part.

They end up on the floor with Jin on his back and Kame sprawled on top. Thinking of how gracefully Kame carries himself during performances and photo shoots, Jin smiles at the awkward, clumsy figure above him. He snickers and his chuckles turn into laughing so intense that tears form in the corners of his eyes.

“You did it on purpose,” Kame scowls, shifting his legs and preparing to push himself up from the tangle of limbs.

“No, don’t,” protests Jin, wiping at his eyes with his sleeve and slipping a hand behind Kame to the small of his back, pulling him back down and looking him in the eyes. “Stay,” he says, closing his eyes and pressing his lips against Kame’s, feeling a sudden surge of warmth despite the ice under his back. They lie kissing, in the middle of the ice, alone in a world where nothing exists but each other. Jin runs a hand through the strands of Kame’s hair and nips at his bottom lip, thoroughly pleased with how well his plan has carried out. When they break to breathe, Jin murmurs, “Told you my plan was brilliant,” and smiles against Kame’s mouth.

“Okay, fine. I admit it; you are the smartest in KAT-TUN,” Kame sighs, “We’ll just have to tell Ueda tomorrow at practice that he’s been bumped down a spot.”

“HA-HA! Victory!” Jin exclaims exaggeratedly and punches his fist into the air.

“How long has it been?” asks Kame eventually, looking around, “Do you know?”

A click of the door and footsteps answer his question and the two scramble and look at each other in panic.

“Shit!” Jin mutters, “We can’t get caught, Ryo will kill me!” They make for the bench where their shoes are and attempt to exit through the backdoor as quickly as their metal skates will let them, giggling and faces flushed.

The janitor walks up to the rink, surprised that the lights are on and glances over the ice.

Thin, jagged lines cut through the surface, straight lines that curve and close in a point, forming a messy but identifiable outline of a heart.

A/N -

I've been ice skating twice in my life so I know nothing about it haha

I was kind of inspired by the current Mirai Nagasu frenzy at my school. Poor thing, everyone goes up to her asking for autographs and pictures.
Criticism welcome!


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