KAT-TUN "Quarter" Concert Report for May 9th, Saturday

May 10, 2015 07:13

KAT-TUN "Quarter" May 9th, Saturday

We were in the 2nd row on the first floor! My eyes met with Kame's! I felt very satisfied with those seats.

The stage split up the arena area into quarters with small stages on the ends and in the middle. We started the concert right on time.

They started the show with a lot of dancing for "Kiss Kiss Kiss". During "Race Goes On", Ueda forgot a line, but I don't think he noticed it was supposed to be him in the end.

We got a shock in "Lips" when one of the big carts stopped in front of us! This is were I briefly exchanged looks with Kame. He and Taguchi were sooooo close. Only a few feet away! I'm sure it was only a minute or so, but it was the moment of the concert that got my heart pounding the most.

After "One Drop" and "Birth", they gave greetings that were mostly insensible yelling to get us excited. Particularly Ueda.

K: It's been awhile, everyone! Let's have as much fun as we want tonight!

Taguchi did his usual joke and we yelled along with him.

U: Tokyo Dome! Let's make this the best live!

N: Wasshoi!

We yelled it back to him several times and when he stopped, he kind of paused in hesitation before saying "okay!", making us laugh.

The juniors came out for "Connect and Go". The sound from the speakers was loud, but almost all of it was the members voices and very little of it the music. I guess that's the difference without a live band in Tokyo Dome?

Dancing in "In Fact" was followed with a video of the guys holding broken pieces of a mirror. Each piece was broken unevenly into a quarter.

Kame reappeared in a kimono and demon mask, holding a large gold fan. He did a short seductive dance on his own before everyone came back out holding the gold fans for "Gold" too. They did a cool Japanese styled remix with shamisen and real taiko drums for "Kusabi". They'd been dancing with swords and play-fighting before they traded their swords for drum sticks. The juniors wheeled out four taiko drums for them to wow the audience with. They didn't stop there. Japanese umbrellas were a nice accent to the sakura petals that were flying everywhere too. One petal got stuck in Maru's hair and we couldn't help but giggle whenever he was on the screen.

"Lovin You" began with everyone, but ended with Kame alone. He got into a Japanese pavilion/ cart thing and slid the door closed as the song finished. To our surprise, a second later, Ueda popped out of it! He was wearing a black leather jacket, sunglasses, and smoking a cigarette. He flicked the stub at the pavilion and it burst into flames. Ueda screamed to us that it was showtime.

The most memorable part of "Rescue" was Nakamaru's beatboxing and his funny round glasses. Right after, they sang "Phoenix" while the juniors marched to the beat, waving red flags around.

Guitars were brought out for Ueda and Kame, but the volume was too loud to be able to tell what melody it was they were playing. Nakamaru and Taguchi were given smoke blowing guns as well. Kame's ear mic cord had gotten tangled, so as “Star Rider” started and he tried to sort it out, the cameras switched to the other members.

They did short versions of “Give me, give me, give me”, “Fire & Ice”, and “& Forever”. Kame and Maru were doing a ridiculous dance with their arms in the air and shaking their hips to the beat.

In “Brand New Day”, Kame completely forgot that it was his turn to sing and quickly apologized, “Oh!! It's me! I'm so sorry!”. He paused so the next member could start singing their line, but when no one did, he realized, “Oh! It's still me! I'm so sorry, everyone!”. Not particularly feeling sorry, Kame and Nakamaru made faces at the camera before Kame attempted seriously apologizing for screwing up twice.

The screen on the main stage split into quarters and moved apart to reveal stairs behind it where the members were singing “Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu” and “Nothing Else Matters”.


K: Don't you all think there's a little too much dancing?!

They were sweating heavily from their efforts earlier. As soon as the water bottles were brought out onto the stage, Kame and Taguchi dove for them. Nakamaru was trying to talk about how their last concert had been the countdown live in Osaka, but they were drawing more attention.

N: The MC is not the time to start drinking.

Taguchi picked up another bottle. “Then you don't want it?”

N:.... I do.

Maru made us laugh by saying that although today was the first day, tomorrow was also the last day of concerts.

N: How has the concert been?

Kame said cluelessly, “Aah?”

K: They say we've been at the Dome over 30 times now.

He asked cutely, “How is it?”

We cheered back.

T: There were a lot of songs that we're doing for the 1st time.

K: We always released an album before doing a concert, but since we didn't we had to choose and arrange the songs we wanted to use.

N: This year we are celebrating our 9th anniversary. Did you notice?

He pointed at the logo and we laughed that he was explaining the 9 in place of a Q in “Quarter” so enthusiastically. Some fans started “whooo~”ing, which reminded him that hyphens love to do that.

Playfully, they tried to reprimand us for always doing that. Kame stuck out his tongue at us.

N: Be truthful, who likes the “whooo~”s?

Straight away, Taguchi raised his hand high.

T: I like the way it echoes in the dome.

Nakamaru thanked the fans for their support in allowing their latest singles to place number 1 on the charts as usual. Kame nodded a bunch of times in agreement.

The topic changed to Kame's drama, “Second Love”.

N: I was watching your drama and I have to say... It's pretty erotic.

The members and the crowd laughed together.

N: What kind of feeling do you have when you're filming that?

Kame kind of gave him a dumbfounded look and said, “Do you really want me to tell you that here? This isn't backstage.”

T: What about you, Maru?

N: I didn't do much talking in mine...

K: Don't you think it's embarrassing to watch other members dramas?

They all agreed and Kame tried to get a stubborn Nakamaru to talk about his kiss scenes again.

K: Ueda, help me out!

U: I have a feeling it'd be dangerous for me to enter the conversation now.

Kame gave up on teasing Maru and Taguchi brought up the ring penlights.

T: It looks really pretty.

N: Was it a good idea? Are you happy with it?

They decided to have the audience clap for their opinion on the big ring-pops. About half clapped for them.

N: And not so much?

About half again.

K: Put it this way, that ring is like our wedding ring, you see?

He said it cooly, but finished with a goofy face. He bites his bottom lip and sticks out his teeth.

K: Last concert, there was a coaster. This time, there were shot glasses. We're just making goods for things we want ourselves. If you don't have a use for the shot glasses, you can put your rings in it, your jewelry, or.... our memories.

Promptly, he made his goofy face.

Nakamaru brought up the subject of his uchiwa picture that notoriously never changes from year to year.

N: This year it was a major difference! I switched my part to the other side!

After, they talked about Taguchi and his joke “Iriguchi, deguchi, Taguchi desu”. On location for their TV program, some fans came by. Usually they will giggle and wave, but some guys came by and called out, “Iriguchi, deguchi~~~!!”

Because they didn't get a response from Taguchi, they turned their attention to Maru and did some amateur beatboxing.

T: Maybe I'll change my opening tomorrow.

We shouted out their first names at the beginning, but he want to change it from “Junno” to “Iriguchi, deguchi” instead.

N: If you do that, you're part will be over before they even get to your name!

They asked if anyone else had good nicknames and Ueda said that people called him, “Ueda-san”. We laughed at how he used “-san” himself as a “nickname”.

K: There was one time when a girl called me “Kamenasshi~~!!” like “Funasshi”.

He demonstrated for us twice and even yelled, “Kame juice, pussha~~!”
Kame mentioned that they were doing very well with their dirty jokes today and after Taguchi slipped on his last joke before leaving the stage, Maru said they should switch to “girls talk”.

K: Like what?

N: Nails, sweets, and stuff.

Kame told us that he'd had some delicious sweet potato snacks recently. Not finished with playing around, he did his impression of the comedy duo Pistachio's gag. When you finish your sentence, you jerk your head up twice and look so far up that all you can see in the whites of your eyes. Ueda also knew of it and did it right after him. I thought it was hilarious that Kame and Ueda knew of their joke and liked it enough to do in concert. Maru made us laugh with the really old joke “gets!”

N: Guys, we should really try to talk about something serious instead!

K: Like?

They were thinking hard for a moment.

N: Like global warming-

K: As soon as you said that, the staff was called the “okay” for the MC immediately.

Nakamaru quickly explained the idea of “Quarter” and combining their 4 characteristics into one concert.

Unable to help himself, Kame did the “white eye” joke again, which Ueda as did. That made Maru do the “gets” pose again for a lack of better ideas.

The Junior introduction/dance came next. There were so many tiny ones too!

KAT-TUN came back out for “Love Yourself”, but it was a remix version.

From there, they entered a big mash-up of songs. They started with Kame singing “Come Here”, added in Ueda with “Gimme Luv”, “Love” by Taguchi” and “D-Motion” by Nakamaru. They slowly joined the songs together until they were all singing their own songs at the same time. It was pretty interesting. Maru was really concerned with trying to stay on pitch and his expression got stiff in the end.

“Phantom” included Maru's beatbox and juniors coming out with the lights off wearing yellow gloves that made it look like there were ghosts on the stage. KAT-TUN also had colored gloves on and everyone did a choreographed dance together.

They slowed the pace down for “Bokura no Machi de” and “Radio”. Wearing blue shining outfits, they sat on the edge of the stage to sing.

Maru had disappeared to get ready for his next part. He came out in a suit and bowtie. Maru didn't say anything to us, but on the screen, there were subtitles that were his “thoughts”. He did his beatbox and the subtitles read, “How was it? HOW WAS IT?!” We cheered for him so it read, “I'm the type of person who grows when praised” as he stuck out his jaw proudly.

The subs called for us to be silent and he yelled out “KONNICHIWA!” without his mic as loud as he could. “Did you hear? You didn't?!!! That's because you weren't being quiet enough. Let's try again.” He yelled out once more. Maru went back to beatboxing, but I laughed so hard my stomach hurt when the subs started mimicking his beatboxing and the sound “pe pe” ended up in the middle of a bunch of his subtilted “thoughts” about being grateful to the fans for their support. It popped up so many times, we were tears from laughing.

Then it was time for the “Dai bounenkai” memories corner! Everyone came back out and Maru enthusiastically played the MC, joking with his “Majisu ka?!” news corner one-liner and raising his hand for a high-five, only to not get one and saying “Okay” while turning way. They made him do it twice because they thought it was so funny.

The first press of the button came up with “Taguchi” will perform “Ueda's” “Art of Life”. They made Taguchi take off his shirt. A few juniors came to join him for his quick rendition of “AOL”. He did lots of hip thrusts and showed off his arm muscles at the end.

Next was “Kamenashi” will perform “Taguchi's” “Samurai Love Attack”. The juniors stuck a cape and hat on him. Kame sang well enough, but very, very stiffly. Which was funny in of itself.

Third was “Nakamaru” will perform “Kamenashi's” “Emerald”. He was passed a big jewel that wasn't even green. After he sang, he held the jewel up and blew over the top of it.

K: Are you making fun of my solo!?

Fourth was “Ueda” will perform “Nakamaru's” “Crescent”. He had a sweet bean bun and choose to start eating it instead of singing. Ueda finished about half of it and said it was a “half moon”, then kept eating, trying to hurry to make it for the end of the song. With a really full mouth, he announced it was a “crescent moon”.

N: You're definitely making fun of mine!

Last was “KAT-TUN” will perform “Real Face” “along with the crowd”. They labeled parts for the crowd to sing on the screens. Pink was girls only, green was guys only, and I think purple was everyone. At the same time, there was a very funny video playing on the screen with KAT-TUN doing the dance in front of the entrance of Tokyo Dome. Then the four of them starting to go through the revolving doors, but they sped up so that Maru couldn't get the right timing to jump into the door too. Kame and Maru walked past each other, bumped shoulders, and after they glared at each other for a while, their faces got closer and closer until the camera panned down to a sign that said “giri giri” (too close).

There were guys in the crowd that the cameras focused on when it was their part. Almost everyone who ended up on screen looked embarrassed.

That section led into the “shuffle songs”, which was just their duets. First Kame and Ueda with “Arigatou” and then Taguchi and Nakamaru with a light dance number “Kirarito”.

Back to the video, the members gathered and put their mirrors together. There was a rectangle space in the middle for the “hyphens” left open.

In the middle of the screen, they sang “Dead or Alive”, then came out to center stage for “Ray”. There were a lot of fireworks and colored fire for this song. Kame winked to us at the end.

After “Sore Zore no Sora”, they did their final greetings.

N: Thank you so much to all the fans. As we mentioned in the MC, we've just entered our 10th year. Please keep supporting us in the future.

T: Was it fun?

Us: Yeah!

T: It was for me too. I think we made many memories here today. Once again, I felt that it was the hyphens who support KAT-TUN. Thank you for everything.

U: I saw a lot of smiles tonight! When I see them, it makes me really happy too. Please keep supporting us from now on. Oh, and there was one thing I learned today... Don't eat bread during a concert.

K: I'm so glad we could spend this time together. I felt happy right from the very beginning. The fans really follow all the dramas and shows we do. We're grateful for it and hope you'll keep supporting us. And whether for good or bad, that “whooo~” you guys do, I don't really hate it. But it's only because it's you. I'm glad for such a connection. Thank you.

They had all stepped off the stage and on the screen a making video played. It was scenes of their rehearsal, costume fitting, messing around. Taguchi and Nakamaru pretended they'd been attacked and were dying. Apparently Kame had cut them with a sword. Kame made another face to the camera to finish.

The big carts came by one last time carrying Nakamaru and Ueda in “4U”, but we didn't get noticed then. “Peaceful Days” was fun. Nakamaru messed with us and the timing of when to throw your hands up. Taguchi was dancing out the “K-A-T-T-U-N” with his arms very quickly. The last song was “Atsuku nare”.

They tried to thank the juniors and have them come out but it must have been too late for some of them to come out or they'd already gone back to their dressing room.

The silver streamers shot out after we called their name. We were positioned well and I managed to grab a bunch of them.

KAT-TUN thanked us one last time and Kame winked to us again before leaving. The concert finished at 8:37. It was sprinkling when we left, but it wasn't a problem.

My next concert will be NEWS in June. Can't wait!


concert report - quarter

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