Ah, sixties sci-fi, how we do love thee!

Mar 22, 2008 00:19

Stephen lent us many First Doctor Dr Who DVDs last week. Four, actually. Tonight, we watched the whole of the 'Unearthly Child' arc and the first two eps of 'Daleks'. Was nice. I overdosed on caffiene, which is why I am writing at half one.
Hehe, perspex box.
Hehe, big hair.
Hehe, sixties 'futuristic' outfit for Susan in the pilot episode.
Hehe, furry cavemen.
AND I furthered my knowledge of radiation.
We talked all through, of course. About Shakespeare and Rigoletto and Pratchett and Bleach and retro sci-fi and pretty clothes and companions and which Doctor was the best and which Master was the best and which companion was the best and which TARDIS was the best and how Time Lords age and how the hell Jack Harkness became the Face of Bo and why Ian is an idiot (Yes. Why doesn't the person least affected by radiation poisoning, who knows the TARDIS and above all DOESN'T HAVE ONE LEG PARALYSED go? No, it must be ME, for I am a male schoolteachers so I am all-powerful. Damn teachers. I'd worked out that ot should be Susan five seconds after they first mentioned it) and CGI versus creepy implication and toilet plungers and furs. (LOOOOONG runon)
And I maked a funny!
I feel so proud <3
Here is the funny.
Doctor-...or there will be no fire!
*DVD paused*
Well, it was funny at the time, anyway.

random, dvds, dr who

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