May 14, 2007 14:49
I have acquired a summer job, in the form of one George S. Mickey Dees (the 'S' stands for Sebastion). The most interesting fact I have learned about the dirtied inner workings of young Mr. Micky Dees is that they have their own brand of all things, and all start with Mc (and the company doesn't even seem to be aware of how ridiculous this all is). Obviously the food is Mc'd (Mc Nuggets, Mc Fries, ad absurdum), anybody who has entered The Arches O' Gold is aware of this, but that isn't the end of it. They've; Mc Soap, Mc Sanitizer, Mc Bleach, etc etc etc, and most interesting of all, Mc Time. Yes, that's right, Mickey's Deets has their own brand of time. Relative to normal ordinary open source time, it is an accelerated rate of time. For example, in only 10 minutes in your average comfortable sort of time, from 30 to 40 Mc Minutes will pass. As my breaks pass at normal speeds I can only assume that Mc Time applies only behind the counters and in the kitchens. Now while Mc Time is good for speeding of production, it does mean, that an 8 hour shift is torture in purest form.
Also as a final note, I wonder when it is they will learn that that grease of ages past, layered on the floor of the kitchen, is neither water or Mc Floor Cleaner soluble. All mopping seems to accomplish is to give the floor the same sort of friction as a perfectly smooth sheet of ice. Yet mop away we must!