Apr 06, 2007 00:04
...and lo, on this day, the day that our Lord [Chthulu] hath made (April 6th) did Adam post a post to his live-journal, Hark:
So a lot has happened to me between this post and my last post...I really want to use the word, Notwithstanding, right now but I can't think of the proper place...anyway...A LOT of things have happened to me, and when I say a lot of things what I really mean is not that much.
March was rather dull, I had all these good intentions of riding my bike down the coast of Oregon during spring break, but I didn't, as I didn't have the bus fare. So I did a little spring cleaning instead, the highlight of that experience was this mold, it was the twisted creation of a curry, some mold, and a whole lot of time in the refridgerator. But other than my half-assed spring cleaning March was worthless (although I did get a little farther in Final Fantasy 12).
April, which would be this month, has been a wee bit more eventful. In addition to advancing even further in Final Fantasy, I also smoked certain substances on a rooftop downtown, then rode my bike around with other people in similar conditions (really tipsy waivering into drunk, and flying higher than Ozzy Osbourne), in a very suspicious manner. Currently I am at even higher altitudes, and I and am about to get some more ice cream, because chocolate fudge brownie ice cream is a gift the gods