things ive learned...

Feb 27, 2010 04:32 the past 6-7 days:

1. moving sucks. it sucks hard. it especially sucks when you're essentially alone and need people to come hundreds of miles to help you. it sucks even more when they are both elderly and did 50 billion times more work than you did because you were sick/hadnt slept in several days/hadnt been taking your nutso pills

2. having been in the same space after 5 years means you get a routine going. moving means this is uprooted. this leads to crankyness of all parties involved, canine or otherwise

3. when you've moved to a new place and havnt taken your crazy pills you may misinterpret sounds from your new fridge for 'breathing' but its all good because even without your loony pills you know 100% that there is no way your fridge breathes. this is good cuz it means even without your crazy pills you have some sanity intact, just not the mood regulating/no panic attacks/sleeping well kind

4. in this new apartment i have taken steps to mimi proof it from the beginning and the results? i broke my dog T_T she is so confused. her life was either in her enclosure, playing with mommy or getting in to trouble (and boy was there a looot of trouble) now she doesnt know what to do with her 'free time'. with nothing on the floor or within her reach to mess with she's already decided her new fav thing to do/place to be. and thats asleep on mommy. not near me, not cuddled up with me, but on me. she NEVER used to sleep on me or even near me for that matter. before the move the time she slept closest was on car trips. but now she just hops on up, lays down and snores my face off. and i couldnt be happier
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