Another sick kitty

Apr 06, 2008 17:58

First it was Bitty-Cat, then Tigger, now me. Bleah. Yes, I know I'm not a cat, but what the hey. I bond with them easily enough...maybe I was one in another life. Being agnostic, I have no real position on resurrection. Of course, from a cat's point of view, they would assume I'd been a bad cat and was making up for it by being a human this time around. ::g::

Anyway, I'd been feeling lousy the end of last week, so Friday night I finally took my temperature. It was up over a degree (Fahrenheit), which explained why I felt so icky. I was trying to decide if it was my sinuses or my teeth, but now I'm pretty sure the majority of it, if not all of it, is my sinuses. Chronic sinusitis is a bitch. It hurts when I sneeze, I start gagging if I try to blow my nose, things smell and taste off, and there are other symptoms I won't describe lest I ruin appetites. Oh, and my mom is sick too. She's on her *fourth* course of antibiotics. We're a lovely place to visit, if you don't mind getting ill. :-)

I've been trying to use this as an opportunity to give my wrists a break, but you see how well *that's* working, right? :-)

So, I have an appt. with a new shrink tomorrow, and I have to try to get in to see his wife (my new regular doctor I've seen once) the day after, since I can't do two appts. in one day.

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