I'm back!

May 25, 2016 18:15

So yeah, I haven't used Livejournal in a very very long time. Since the rest of the Social Media I am currently on (Namely Twitter and Furry Network) aren't conductive to long posts IE Microblogging I have nowhere else to put my thought dumps now.

Furaffinity ran into a scandal and a major security breach. As a result of the actions taken as a precaution against further breaches I am now permanently locked out of my FA account. My recovery e-mail got set back to the original e-mail used to create the account, which Ironically I also closed due to the fact that it kept getting breached. And while my LJ may have gotten some spam replies it never got breached as far as I can tell even after an extended period of being away from LJ of several years.

Also, Furry Network and even LJ are more updated with modern interfaces that work on modern browsers and mobile devices a LOT better. At this point... even if I could get back into my FA account I won't go back.

So my Social media is now split up into several different places; which isn't a bad thing. Twitter for the short blurbs, FN and Flickr for my Photography updates and back to here when I need to do a longer thought dump.

I plan not to do as many updates here as I once did. Mostly when I have something major on my mind or I want to do some sort of review or something that won't fit into 144 charachters. I can also control who sees some of my posts so I don't get bashed for sharing an opinion of something because someone got offended by it as what happened frequently in the Drama pit that was FA.

So for those who still use this site and still watch me, realize I will be brutually honest and opinionated at times. I will, however try to be less negative as I am trying to become more of an optimist (it's a long journey to undertake...)

But yeah, things change. And sometimes that change is even reverting back to something you left behind :)
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