«The turned five-pointed stars of France and Russia, as signs« special type of Bozhiej of mother »(Ч

Nov 25, 2010 19:02

© N.B.Chistjakova-Jaroslavova

On November, 19th, 2010, St.-Petersburg

The full text with illustrations   http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=15&PubID=506

Symbols of the turned five-pointed star - пентакля unite a cathedral of Notr of Ladies in Amiens and the Suzdal Cathedral of Christmas of the Virgin where on an icon "Transformation" of an epoch Rjurikov, Jesus "is entered" in the similar five-pointed star turned by two beams upwards. The icon in XVI century when by Dom Rjurikov in Russia has been deprived the power is written and Merovingov has repeated destiny.

…. Agree strange when in one case, against a five-pointed star Jesus is represented, in other case - it is a sign «special type of Bozhiej of mother» on Soborah Notr Dam, but is more known, as a head of a terrible Goat … - Bafometa.

Why France and Russia so publicly exposed the five-pointed stars on the arms, thrones, amulets, flags and even the Kremlin towers? And why, at the general worship five-pointed stars, France and Russia at first have entered terrible war of 1812, and then have started to build dynastic alliances between Napoleon and Romanov's descendants, i.e. the sorts which have from two sides of the problem in their origin and not recognized as the European Princes of blood …

That it for strange draft between the strange dynasties which have got access to secret knowledge, thanks to possession the power.

Emperor Nikolay Pavlovich I - the son of the Great Master of "the Maltese cross» has for some reason brought from France to Peterhof, on Imperial island, a mosaic for a floor on which Josephine Bogarne - spouse Napoleon Bonaparte went the legs. I will notice that Josephine and has died in two days after dance with emperor Nikolay …. Having got excited, it left on cool air, and the transient pneumonia became her death reason … One of strange death, descendants Peter I and Napoleon, fans of five-pointed stars. Same as Alexander's I who have risked publicly to separate from death of "the Maltese cross», and immortalized after death, his brother Nikolay I, in the Alexandria pillar with the Angel at its top, for some reason repeating «John Krestitelja's Gesture».

Well and at last: About what to us those who chose so unusual geography, for the turned five-pointed stars wanted to tell?

Stars of Paris, Star of the Kremlin. Stars of short-lived empire of Napoleon, the Star - on ruins of empire of Romanovs … One - turned, other "straight lines" …

For whom sacral truth? Beyond France or beyond Russia?

Perhaps, Five-pointed stars in general are incompatible with monarchy? Or Pentakl is "death" of self-appointed emperors and the self-appointed monarchy which have broken the rights of divine dynasties?

But paternal then, a similar symbol of "sorcery" as present to its common people, the wife Peter the Great commoner - Catherine I carried. And paternal Peter I has hung up a five-pointed star with the profile «on a hand» a carved icon of Nikoly Mozhaisk - охранителя the Sacred dynasty which image, under V.Kukovenko's version, is Bernard Klervosky's portrait, the founder цистерцианского an award and the relative of the first тамплиеров. And тамплиеры also were, on their essence, the first military organization protecting «special sort of Bozhiej of mother».

It is clear that Peter the Great has realized the error of marriage with the commoner and furiously struggled for the descendants. Everything that Romanovs after it did is there was a continuation of struggle of Peter getting in «the Sacred stream, the Sacred sort». …

Just the same logic as I understand, was and at Napoleon who has come to the same five-pointed stars, Egypt traveling to sources and Paris which has shown in symbols первопреемство France from this Egyptian heritage. After all «from the very beginning to Paris pagan goddesses of ancient Greece Diana and Kibella» (patronized Enrike де to Visente).

But thus «the sense of the doctrine of Kibelly bears in itself and Orthodoxy.« Orthodoxy »as that, is mentioned in Aveste. Priests of ancient Egypt inherently were orthodox» («the Word and knowledge of the real world», V.F.Lukichev).

In this context it is necessary to pay attention to how, in this Orthodoxy, from us long and intentionally "hid" Imjaslavie. Also declared its "heresy" just as "devilish" name the turned five-pointed star … I has devoted to this theme of Orthodox Russia «in Glory» even special article «Russia: in search of the lost GLORY of Russian people-church!» http:// www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml? Part=16&PubID=502. However more often Church name not the people, and the Mother of god, the woman of the Sacred dynasty bearing in sacred blood and mysterious «a seed of the woman».

And the trace of it of "a seed of the woman» why is designated by the turned five-pointed star …

So! France and Russia, Russia and France … Keys to secret - in war of 1812 … Keys to secret - in "the direct" and "turned" stars

From my point of view, that fact that similar «turned пентакль» often "make out" in the form of a terrible monster and name "devilish", reminds a prohibiting sign «a skull and bones» which frighten off from treasures with treasures more likely.

I all - таки am inclined to recognize that it the Source sign «Sacred Dynasty». As in Egypt the five-beam star - was a symbol of the Dynasty Mountain and «the son of the Widow». It also symbolized пентакль Knowledge with which archangel Uriil - the patron of scientists and John Krestitelja's known "cartridge" is connected. And as Amensky Sobora Notr Dam's sacred relic is John Krestitelja's head the five-pointed star, in this case, means that it охранителем archangel Uriil still is.

The essence is clear for a long time. The sacred dynasty is born from the Holy Spirit and water … details … aren't clear As - that to me not too to be believed that Maria Magdalina waited for the child while Jesus has been crucified … And even if it was so for one thousand years there should be thousand descendants with these genes, but the magic Lotus of a sacred dynasty on one of these branches for some reason doesn't grow …

… «Cheloveki or, more precisely, terrestrial angels, - members of this mysterious sort, - from the youth shine mild light not-from-mirnosti and purity. In a belly of mother they are marked and преднамечены to special organization of soul. They, as though, are withdrawn from the sinfulness law, as though go to us directly from Edema, as children of a protogenic and pure couple. Without efforts they make that is by the sweat of the brow extracted by others: without breaks are improved and ascend at most in force, - how the fragrant flower is dismissed. Without wanderings, from the conception, firm foot go« to honor вышнего knowledge ».

What is «Honour of the higher knowledge»?

I so understand. It is Glory of Knowledge, Knowledge Light, i.e. that that archangel Uriil … bears to people that Uriil has transferred to John Krestitelja, and that, in turn, - christened «light of this knowledge» Jesus Christ …

When in conversation on the Sacred dynasty it is a question of Virginity Virginity Spiritual is meant, first of all, instead of corporal though they and are connected among themselves.

The virgin spiritual, «from the Holy Spirit» John Predtecha - christens the virgin corporal Jesus Christ, the person not simply imperial blood, and the son born from «a seed of mother»

To understand an essence of it of "the Seed of mother» the New Year's ceremony about lost «a life Tree» with the chopped off top branches helps. In its essences, the lost Sacred sort. It represent in a kind юльского "log" which in «Night of mother» throw in fire symbolizing fire of the Holy Spirit, reviving it is "the chopped off" root

There is it in Natalis invicti solis (Birthday of the invincible Sun) before a winter solstice. This day Christmases-Natalis the seed of the Snake is won, thereby «the Seed of Mother» which on prophecies should reunite three branches of francs. The great god killed at the peak of the power and glory, revives as Zero-Ashta - «the Seed of the woman», or other value - "Ignigena" - «Born from fire». So «the Mister of the Precept» is born. And in images, is a young runaway near to a dead stick (log) as the tree is perfect other kind to which is intended to be never cut down by hostile forces. Christmas-Natalis necessarily is preceded by Saturnalii - drunk holidays in which days of the servant of "Zogan" (the Person of sports and revelry) dressed purple and called them «Misters of a disorder».

These Saturnalii symbolize full decomposition and предсмертие morals and spirit, before a new birth. Servants become misters, and misters - servants. So represented barefooted Merovingov, sent on errands плеткой, on one Novgorod cameo. Drunkenness and the ignorance which has trampled on the nobility.

The phrase is especially interesting to me «mother of the Sun-god and great god-intermediary in this story, has mysteriously turned to a tree.»

How it became this "tree"? It is assured that only with the turned five-pointed star, here it is not enough amulet.

Is, conditionally, three approaches to an explanation of it of "Sacred marriage» in which the son a new branch of the Sacred dynasty is born.

We name them so: man's, alchemical and female.

The man's solution was presented by Dan Brown in «Da Vinci Code».

….Т.е. Three base preconditions: an accessory to an imperial dynasty, «luggage of sacred knowledge», and name signs. Dan Branu has gone certainly further those who simply compares today markers of results of check of the «man's Y-ДНК».

… As to «the Alchemical version» occurrences of the Sacred dynasty.

«меркуриальный the source and an alchemical fountain of Great making from which revives the Tree of life and Knowledge of a great dynasty. Such« a youth fountain »and меркуриальную water compare to Maiden Maria, and also with the Christ - spiritual fire penetrating the Universe». It is represented, for example, on a miniature from the manuscript «About Sphere» (XV century, library Estenze). Or in alchemical images Rajmunda Lullija (Florence, the Central national library). As this article isn't devoted alchemy, I won't go further this citing.

Continuation under the reference



dna, a five-pointed star, zero-ashta, a life tree, rjurik, krestitel, france, egypt, sons of a precept, masons, nikolay i, notr of ladies, alchemy, the seed of the woman, maria magdalina, paris, the box alexander pushkin, glory, sacred dynasty, uriil, prokhorov, brown

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