Гагарин и BBC

Oct 20, 2012 11:12

Указал sandinistИнтервью с майором Юрием Гагариным

Майор Юрий Гагарин ответил на вопросы заданные Ричардом Димблби (Richard Dimbleby), научным редактором газеты "Санди Таймс" Томом Маргерисон (Tom Margerison) и сотрудником Советского телевещания Юрием Фокиным во время прямой передачи с советской выставки в Earls Court (пригород Лондона) в 1961 г.

Yuri Gagarin on BBC TV, July 11 1961

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 Видео снабжено русскими субтитрами
Gurbir Singh INFO: Following his historic spaceflight, Yuri Gagarin, who was a former foundry worker, was invited to visit Manchester by the Foundry Worker's Union. The Macmillan Government extended the invitation to London, adding an extra few days to the planned tour in July 1961. WIIKIPEDIA: After the flight, Gagarin became a worldwide celebrity, touring widely abroad. He visited Italy, Germany, Canada, Brazil, Japan, and Finland to promote the Soviet Union's accomplishment of putting the first human in space. He visited the United Kingdom three months after the Vostok 1 mission, visiting the cities of London and Manchester, the latter of which has been fondly remembered by locals.Его ответы переводил Борис Белитский с Московского радио.

гагарин, космос и космонавтика, великобритания, видео, хроника, история, идеология и власть, интервью и репортаж, ссср, сми

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