Overdue FOs

Dec 22, 2010 00:33

So, after the summer from hell - which ended in September when we brought our beautiful baby boy home from the hospital. (121 day NICU stay). I've finally had time to update Ravelry with my finished projects.

First: A hat and scarf made forbobmage . The hat was inspired by a discussion thread full of knitters who didn't believe the crocheters who identified the front post stitches on a hat.

Second: Three baby blankets. One for Timonthy - originally planned for Timothy and Leslie. I was going to let them fight over it until they got old enough to ask for another one. It was going to be pared with a swirl blanket, similar to my galaxy; Leslie's death put that one on hold.

One for Cooper - one of Timothy's roommates in the NICU. Cooper was 1 day older and we and his parents were close. When we weren't worried about Timothy, we tooka  break and worried about Cooper. When that got old, we worried about hsifyppah .

One for Ella - the senior baby in Timothy's room at the NICU. Her parents were wonderful for helping us feel like everything might be ok eventually.

Third: The squids Shortly after my pregnancy got complicated, our friend hsifyppah  announced she was pregnant. When we weren't worried about Timothy, we worried about Brooke. We offered her a crocheted squid (for the baby, riiiight), and she accepted squeeeeefully. So the big one is for Brooke. I was working on the prototype (he of the googly eyes) during Timothy's hernia surgury; when the surgeon saw it, he earned one of his own.FO
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