The Yarns, Spare Update - Huckleberry!

Aug 10, 2009 20:16

When we last saw Huckleberry (purple spare), he was bound for the timeless land of Sim Bin, awaiting his true love, Selah Marie Mellow. Finally the ages passed, Huckleberry made it to the other side of Sim Bin and into a pretty little house of his own, and Selah grew up! Clicky the link/cut to see what happens next!

After attending her birthday party and reaffirming their very affectionate feelings, Huckleberry invites Selah Marie over to his house.

And he proposed in the dark, on the driveway.

Huckleberry takes a job as a Private Eye while waiting for an opportunity in the law enforcement career track to open up.

And he gets his large garden ready for a wedding (she said yes)!!

Selah and her family arrive. Sadly Huckleberry isn't in contact with his family any more, something about timeless Sim Bin and descendents and blah blah.

Wooo! No wedding party is complete without smustle dance!!

Huck and Selah eagerly wait for their guests to join them in the back garden.

Wedding spam:


And yes, they several of them (including Selah's mother!) really did smustle through the whole ceremony. *facepalm*

MMmm!! Cake!

The guests all enjoy the cake as well :)

And the music, don't forget the very enjoyable music.

*VERY* enjoyable. ^.^

For the new couple: Peace, long life, health.

They're very much in love.

Selah: Ugh. Now I feel gross.

Typical household scene - Selah stuffing her face, Huck working hard to find that dream job. (And isn't their kitchen purdy? I think it's so fab, it makes me happy and want to play in walls up mode, lol.)

Selah: oooooh, my insides don't feel well!
Maybe you shouldn't have eaten that pepperoni straight from the fridge??

Oh ... ~.^

Another quaint and quiet household scene - Huck and Selah tending the garden.

She popped!! And Selah?? Isn't that an awfully large pop for the first pop?? *worries*
Selah: I need to pee. *waddles to potty*

This is all they do. Really.

And they don't even have any bolts!

Selah & Huck: Heeeeey baby! *strike pose*

Selah: It moved!!
Huck: Really?! Can I feel?

Huck: ... I don't feel anything.
Selah: Be patient!

Huck: Tee hee! It moved!

While Huck is at work (he landed a spot in the academy, he's a cadet!!) Selah decides to birdwatch.

I'm not a bird, Selah!

And definitely not a ... whatever that is.

When Huck gets home he fillets some fabulous fish. Galaxy is very interested. Galaxy is always interested in what's cookin'

lol. You guys never stop.

Pink dust pop!!

Cookies ... or mini muffins? Who knows, but they're Selah's food of choice this pregnancy.

Selah: *stuffs face*

Huckleberry takes the day off and stays home with Selah.

Washing dishes.


Flirting and serenading. (always)

Selah: *sings operatically* I wiiiill aaaaalwaaaayyssss looooooooooove youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

So I decided they deserved to have some bolts. Their turn ons were incompatible (Selah likes unemployed guys when Huck wants to be Captian Hero with her?!), so we did a little shuffle :)

OH yeah. Now carry on with the flirting!

Or you know, go snooze work in the nursery!

She must have been comfortable sleeping there, as she dozed there on and off all afternoon and into the night. Wee morning hours brought labor!

Selah: OOooooooohhh!

Huck: *is surprised*

O_O!! And by that face I'd say that Selah knew and didn't share!!

Huck: *is even more surprised!*

(I was suspicious though, considering they're both twins themselves, and extra fertile family sims at that! Besides ... her belly was big!)

they're coming!

Look, he's got the custom eyes, like his father and grandfather!

Huckleberry: *holds baby in shock*
Selah: *feels urge to push second baby out*

And it's alien skin!


This little one has Huck's skintone and Selah's eyes and hair.

I had to rearrange the nursery to fit two cribs, and the comfy green chair had to move out to the main room :(

But, welcome babies!! That's Theophilus on the left and Thaddeus on the right.

And wowsers, you guys sure didn't wait long! LOL! This was the first thing they did after putting the babies in the cribs. O_o

The end.

Note: Yes those are really the babies names! The massive Watson family that Huck married into uses Bible names and this gen is T!

This is likely my last update for awhile. Me and the hubby are in the midst of a big cross country move and things are just a tad bit busy around these parts. I'll be back as soon as I can manage with the further shenanigans of Clementine and Marmalade!!


spare, yarns, thaddeus, theophilus, huckleberry, watson

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