Life as I know it....

Oct 20, 2004 16:35

OMG I haven't written in like so long!!! SO, on Sunday, I had a date with Cody...we went to the corn maze ((along with Becky and Kreg)) and It was super fun....I had a blast!!!

Last night was the XC awards night...I got 8th overall on the girl's team...beaten out by Jessi!!! darn....and i didn't get a trophy...i did get a picture of the girl's team at Dylan, though.....

Tonight, I have drama. THe play is in one week ((10/27/04))...It's at town hall at 6:00...BE THERE!!! It's called stone in the road....I'm in it...taht makes a reason to come...although I don't ahve my lines memorized yet....

oN friday, I am planning to go to the football game...if anyone is going to be there, tell me!!! I know Aaren and Emma are going with me...I still have to ask Cody....hopefully ((crosses fingers)) he can go!!!

well, that's about it

((oh btw for anyone that reads this PLEASE post a common every once in awhile, just so that I know someone is actually that I'm not just writing this for nothing....))
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