Truth About Net Neutrality

Jul 19, 2006 23:20

Net Neutrality is stupid.

It started like this: Phone companies with DSL were going to start offering movies and television service through the phone/internet lines to people. In order to save money and conserve space, they will limit non tv and other designated services to lower speeds, to save the room for those who need tv and movie space. Google and other people who would lose lots of access to people using their stuff for download, complained and wanted Congress to pass "net neutrality." All this does is make it harder for people to watch TV and movies through DSL lines

But all of these liberals are running around saying they want net neutrality, even though its just being supported by Cable companies who dont want competition from phone companies, even though cable companies are now allowed to give phone services through the cable lines.

What happens is that Cable Companies get control over phone, internet and tv service, dominating phone companies and will take over. Instead, the phone companies were originally allowed to compete to hopefully add competition between all of the big companies.

Soon, the electric companies will start offering internet through the electric lines. It has been tested in China. By that time, maybe everything will sort itself out.
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