Free Bacardi

Nov 02, 2008 00:57

It begins:

Leaving The PepperJack Inn in Anaheim to collect BMK from her Bowling-Alley-Adjacent Apartment.

It is here we find puppies under arrest. Poor Bacardi.

apparently the only free time Bacardi gets is on the Chain Gang. Oh no.

Bacardi warned us, the only way she could be free was if we took a trip to Laguna Beach, she said we'd get clues from there... Who are we to disagree with the curly haired pup?

So we get to Laguna, and it is simply a bunch of overpriced stores, a BUNCH of gelato shoppes, the sand, PERFECT WEATHER, and 2 Starbuck's.
I could Probably Live there...

We decided that maybe like a key, or something would be hiding in the sand, and that if we found it, then maybe we could FREE Bacardi...

I dont think Bonnie Understood the concept of Digging.

Luckily, Josh & Jessie found some scroll in the sand, and it said something about the way to free Bacardi, was at the Long Beach Aquarium.


Bonnie Laughing at the Sleeping Otters (uh.. Seals?... Im not sure I just know they werent Beavers, which was all i wanted to see apparently them living in water, and building dams in it don't qualify them as "water creatures" although there were birds, and plants on display)

Bonnie & Josh Laughing at them.

Bonnie MOCKING THEM ruthlessly.

There were these things, bound to break out and kill the entire city if provoked.

We weren't finding much in the way of clues or keys, but we did find Nemo.

I was trying to learn about Tsunamis, and their certain destruction of 50% of the population - did you know that 50% of the World's Population lives within 50 miles of an Ocean/Gulf Coast? I thought that was high.. I guess I'm wrong though, it was on a plastic sign in Long Beach.

ANYWAY, I wasn't able to learn much about the imminent doom of Earth, because there were OBNOXIOUS, UNSUPERVISED Children (im telling you, you need a license to birth children... i hate America) playing IN the exhibit, and creating gross, supernatural waves of their own. Josh Paid a LOT of money to get into this place (21 dollars per adult), the least they could do is staff it so that I can enjoy the exhibits...


I hate your parents.

It turns out, the secret to Bacardi's freedom was in SLEIGHING a sting ray. Josh went to battle, and almost lost several times, but in the end was victorious, throwing RAY GUTS all over the kids play zone (I personally was ok with this, its apparent the kids had no interest in playing there anyway, they;d rather ruin my tsunami exhibits.) Inside the Ray was another Scroll, it said that we needed to arrest the rat children and bring them to Sheriff Joe, in exchange for Bacardi's Freedom.


I dont know why Sheriff Joe did this, or why it was necessary to Jail Bacardi, but that is what happened. Just another reason to vote him out on Tuesday.


*Note no animals, or children, were harmed on this SoCal Adventure... Although we are lucky I didn't throw the children into the Seal or StingRay Tank.
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