From the Messiah from the USSR with love! Gospel of Vladimir

Nov 23, 2013 20:30

The already many made narrations and the Gospel about absolutely known for all living on the Planet Earth events and as tried to transfer us these events people living in those days and Attendants of the Word, and I as the clairvoyant to Milosty Bozhyey, undertook to describe one after another to you, my dear contemporaries on the Planet Earth, all that I saw that also you learned reality of the events.

1 . At the beginning there was GOD SPIRIT SACRED, and there was at GOD a Word
2 . GOD had a word at the beginning
3 . Everything through GOD started being, and without GOD nothing started being that started being
4 . In GOD there was a life, and life was Light for человеков
5 . And Light in darkness shines, and the darkness didn't embrace it
6 . There was a person sent from GOD and a name to it Adam, the first-born of GOD of SPIRIT SACRED
7 . ...

Truly I say to you that time when to address to GOD to SPIRIT SACRED came, it isn't necessary to go to specially taken away place. Enter into the room, and pray for rescue of the Sort. Also it will be rendered to you on affairs and your Words.

Both nowadays, and prisno, and for ever and ever! Amen!

World anything - GOD SPIRIT SACRED all

евангелие владимира, БОГ ДУХ СВЯТОЙ, мир ничто БОГ ДУХ СВЯТОЙ все

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