Jan 03, 2007 23:05
I'm stuck in a moment of realization right now. Just the realization of the infinite wonder of God, and how he created us. He's beautiful.
Today's been a good day, really. I was kinda bummed because I was stuck inside the house with Gabi almost all day. That really made me melancholy actually. But anyways, I think I was just really in the mood to talk to someone, I usually am really up to talk if I haven't connected with anyone outside of my family for a day. Anyways, Lizzie Francis called and asked if I wanted to come over and just talk, mostly about where the dance group is headed and what part of the ministry I feel most called to and whatnot, and you know, I'm still not exactly sure. I still really want to be a part of the dance ministry, and to help out as I can, but I really don't feel called to dance the same way that I was. I'll admit, I know I'm not the best dancer, even when I am trying I'm not the best. I'm alright with that though, as the real reason I dance is to worship, unfortunately not to dance I don't think. If that makes any sense. Anyways, I think I'll be dancing less than I had been, but hopefully helping more with the dance choreography. I'm gonna pray about it, see where God's taking me with it. It's in His hands though, I'm really not that worried about it.
So ya, that's what's on my mind right now. And Lizzie and I just got to talk, which I was happy about because that's all I really needed, some time to just talk with someone. Anyways, I'm feeling pretty content right now, slightly contemplative I believe the term is. I'd really love to just call somebody up and talk right now, but I probably shouldn't talk any longer tonight, I need to let my throat get a little better.
Goodnight everybody, sleep tight!