"It was labor-day weekend, I was 17... bought a coke and some gasonline... "

Nov 19, 2004 14:10

Hey there... I just wanted to update on whats been going on lately: physically and emotionally I am feeling much better... not that I was feeling that bad emotionally anyways, but still... I am not feeling as sick anymore- just little stomache problems every now and then.
I am excited about Thanksgiving, but I'm gonna miss my mom when she is in PA.
Hmm... what else is going on? I am going out to eat tonight with Laura and Keri and Keri's boyfriend... should be a good time, I hope - It's gonna be a nice restaurant too (which of course means more money, but whatever).

Hmm.. I have a lot on my mind, but I'm not sure what to write about...???

Do you listen to country music? I do. I am listing to it right now. Sometimes, if I feel lonely (usually related to girls... in fact, almost always - it sucks being single sometimes) I will put on some country and lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling, hehe- it's actually pretty pathetic. But still, country is fun - I wish I could sing in a country style and get away with it. Not shitty country either, like the 'Ditsy Chicks', but more like Tim McGraw. He's got this song called Barbecue Sta-....
Well, never mind...

Ok... if I keep going I will just keep rambling.. and thats dangerous because I won't stop - hehe.
Until next time...
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