Must. Finish. Current. Project.

Oct 12, 2013 12:32

I have this horrible habit. When I got about 90% done with a project, I tend to want to stop and move onto the next project.

I'm making these adorable patterns that I'm going to make into Christmas cards. I'm on the fifth one (there are seven in all), and I'm already like, "Let's move on." No, Jess, no. My goal is to make one of each style, then take a break (i.e. go to another project), then, do another set in a couple of weeks.

It's that next project that should prove interesting. I'm making a chart from scratch. And it is a lot harder than I thought, mostly because I keep changing the dimensions. But, after I get done with the last of the patterns, I'll go back to tackling the chart.

The Halo and Zelda cross-stitches are on the back burner for now. Usually, I work on the Zelda map when I'm picking up the girls since I have a tangible copy of the chart, but the Christmas patterns to do, so that's how I've been killing time in the car until the school bell rings. And I'm tired of looking at every variation of grey known to mankind, so no Halo for a wee bit.

Now, back to stitching a snowglobe! Whee! :D :D


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