In complete contrast with my last post...

Dec 05, 2011 13:09

Warning: This post will contain much squeeing and fangirl flailing.  You have been warned.

I've been waiting to post this until my thoughts were cohesive and structured. Then I realized, that is never going to happen because my love for this book is profound. And so is my love for Chez.  Without further ado, I give you Without Wings by K. Writerly.

There's epic worldbuilding! And Chez! There's the awesomeness of Lasca! And Chez! There's the mysterious mystery behind--oh wait, I can't tell you who! And Chez! There are immortals and People Who Aren't As They Seem!  And Chez!

I have been fangirling this story since the excerpt was posted over at k_writerly's journal. And it does not disappoint. At all.  I would write some lofty review, but reread my first sentence after my warning.  I feel like my fangirl squee would reveal too much about the story.

Each of the characters are awesome (but realistically flawed--there be no Mary Sues in this fic).

Lasca is absolutely a hoot with her quirks as a lusty reluctantly-successful photographer/professor.  Some of her asides are hysterical. Seriously.  I love watching her growth throughout the entire novel. By the end, you'll totally be recognizing that Chez isn't the only badass in the family.

Speaking of my biggest book crush ever, CHEZ!!!! Ahem...Sorry about that.  Chez is like a jaded John Sheppard sprinkled with a bit of John Crichton's first season WTF-ness.  Utter sarcastic yet he's got heart. And we all know how I feel about a man with a gun. Well, he's got two. And he's named them. ♥

And Owen! Er, well, no I can't exactly get into details about him without spoilers, but he's awesome.  And if you are a fan of awesome bromance, then you are going to love and adore the interaction between him and Chez.

I could go on and on about the adorable sweetness of Gianni (If you enjoy a good slow-boil UST-y relationship, then you'll squee and flail for Lasca and Gianni), the serenity of Andro, the tough-guyness (Is that a word?) of Lei and his crew, but really? You should read this book for yourself.

It's only $2.99 on Smashwords for the eBook.  A steal I tell you!  It's going to be released in paperback on Amazon and Lulu in January and I fully intend on buying a hard copy then.  Though, if you got little ones running around the house, then you should probably tuck this one away.  While there is nothing overly explicit (especially when compared to the majority of fanfic), it does have adult themes running through it.

Go! Read and enjoy!

!rec, !fangirling

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