Jun 03, 2010 08:57
This evening I head of to Maelstrom. This should be a good thing.
Except last night I completely knackered my knee playing cricket. It's swollen up quite nicely. Painful enough when I sit completely still, moving is more painful. In fact, it's painful enough to blot out the pain from my elbow, which appears to be lacking nearly all the skin one would normally expect to see there.
Plus my right hand man is sick enough that he may not be able to come at all: queue more crawling around on the floor trying to fix computers than usual. With a knackered knee.
And I haven't cleaned the mud off my boots from the last event yet, let alone oiled them so I can expect a small measure of waterproofness.
And I forgot to stop by the brewery yesterday and pick up a barrel of beer.
And I forgot to go to the pharmacy yesterday, to stock up on chemical weapons for my ongoing war with the flora of this fine country. A war which I note that they appear to be winning this morning.
We didn't even win. I didn't even stop the ball in question.
I am a tit sometimes ...