Oct 26, 2011 00:22
I haven't posted anything on my journal in while...because I don't really blog or write much anymore...but lately I've had many things on mind and so I think I'm gonna start writing them here. So it will really be like a journal.
I'm sure some of my post will be about all the Japanese Idols I love so much. So a lot of fangirling. Also, I'll be posting my thoughts on rumors or things going on with these idols which means I might put things that might get people upset. For that reason, I do advice you to take in mind that it's just my opinion on things and nothing more. I won't be hating on any one. I'll just be giving my honest opinion.
With that said, I hope you enjoy my journal. Of course, again, if you wish to read my fangirl stuff as well as my life's story :P