Okay, so Hetalia is kind of old by now, compared to Durarara anyway. But my fangirl heart seems to be in constant sway over these two fandoms in the past months. Currently hetalia is winning, which may or may not be i.e. most definitely due to the fact that I listened to the character CDs recently. Have I mentioned how much I love France? No? Okay, I shall repeat.
France (the character) made me swoon....I think.
The only reason why I am unsure of this fact is because I have never seen anyone swoon realistically. I mean, I didn't faint like one of those Camelot ladies when they see Lancelot but still.
The issue of hetalia being related to EVERYTHING, considering that it's about the world and all that, makes it harder to forget, whereas Durarara. Well, lets be honest, I only really like two characters...okay maybe three...or four....or five, now that Mr. Dollars has shown himself.
Moving on, the following article made me laugh:
www.animevice.com/news/japanese-mangaka-writes-angry-letter-to-cnn-about-rapelay/4143/ I mean, by the second paragraph I was thinking. 'Omg, America got owned.' And then a comic strip procceded to apepar in my head. =w= This probably isn't healthy. I mean, every time I read the word 'Latvia' my minds eyes see Latvia looking scared...sometimes with Russia behind him. Yeah....*falls* I need an outlet. Should probably go write that AU fic I have been toying with for...for....for....OMG I'VE HAD THAT IDEA FOR HALF A YEAR!!!
*Eh hem* Moving on, again, as you can see this is my second post within mere days....yes, I am stressed. Yes my deadline is approaching.
....okay okay, yes I should go work on my assignments....