I am a Corporate Whore...

May 23, 2002 13:20

Well, today I got a call from my temp agency and accepted another job with HSBC.

I feel soiled.

I really massivley dislike working for a company that i know epxloits people worldwide for their own capitalistic ends, but unfortunatley I have rent too pay. So, for now at least, i must brush my ideals aside, get my head down and suck that corporate cock :P

In other news, forfoxsake and myself will mostly be spending today chain-smoking and playing with the house website (I'll mostly be thinking up unfeasable ideas, whilst For will mostly be rejecting them and getting on with coding something that actually works)

P.s. forfoxsake can shit right off. That subby little foxbitch has absolutley no base for the scandalous lies and rumours he made public in This item.

*shuffles round and anime sweatdrops*
No, no. Really. He doesn't.... Seriously. Stop laughing at me!

That is all
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