Do you get to wear really cute outfits and gogo boots and a thong and pole dance? I wanna take Kouhei to come get a job dancing with me cuz it'd be really fun!!
..Do you think your work would hire two absolutely gorgeous boys who happen to be twins? ^.~
Ooo that would be totally cool :D! When? And what should I wear? I've got this really cute little skirt and these totally awesome boots and and oh dear I'm getting hyper.
Do you get to wear really cute outfits and gogo boots and a thong and pole dance? I wanna take Kouhei to come get a job dancing with me cuz it'd be really fun!!
..Do you think your work would hire two absolutely gorgeous boys who happen to be twins? ^.~
Are you having a lot of fun there? ~.^
You should go with me sometime soon. You'd have a loads of fun, I'm sure.
We could all dress up together. It would be fun. Not to mention the sex that would come afterwards
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