'Raspberry Cravings' is now up to 12 chapters and soon to be 13 anyday now! :D
You can see the first chapter here or the most recent chapter on my live journal
http://aachisuto.livejournal.com/ I also drew a sexy pic of Zel and Xel from chapter 9 of Raspberry Cravings.
Click here to see the whole picture!! Title: Rasperry Cravings
Part: 12/?
Chapter title: Twisted Sister
Author: aachisuto
Disclaimer: I don't own Slayers, only my dirty ideas lol
Warnings: M/M, M/F, M/M/F threesome, lemons in some chapters, kinky sado/masochism stuff in some chapters
Rating: Mature
Summary: Xelloss proposes an interesting arrangement with Lina and Zelgadis. However, whenever the Mazoku is involved, things quickly become much more complicated than they should be.
Pairings: Lina/Zelgadis, Lina/Xelloss, Xelloss/ Zelgadis, L/X/Z