(no subject)

Jan 07, 2009 15:03

Ikkicon... is now debatable. Brian and Nessa have canceled (or at least Brian has; I kinda assume Nessa won't go without him), as have Camden and Kat. Holly is kinda up in the air, but is as good as canceled. Bridget and Kyle are a definite probably not.

I haven't heard anything from Catz, and as far as I know, skasumi and Derek are still going? I dunno, I need to find out who's still going. As far as I know Dark and Ven are going, but we aren't quite acquainted enough to share a hotel room yet, I don't think.

...what the hell am I even wearing to Ikki? I forget.

*checks dA journal*

...wow. I only have one thing to wear, and that's Zell. With Holly not going, there's no point in making Souseiseki, and with Camden not going, there's no point in making Sailor Uranus. With Brian not going, there's no point in bringing my three Christmas cosplays to have them photographed. ;_;


And in addition to having no one going practically, this is one con I can't afford to spring for rooms for. They moved the damn con downtown to the Hilton and now the rooms are $169/night. Plus tax. The fucking Hilton in downtown Houston was only like $110 or something for Oni.

Whatever gets decided needs to be decided quick, because apparently the Hilton isn't taking reservations for the con weekend past this Friday. Which is also the fucking stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Now I have to go sketch eight swimsuits for my Fashion Sketching class tomorrow morning. So uninspiring. But if higher education has taught me anything, it's how to BS my way through just about anything.

whine and cheese, cosplay, cons, school

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