Mar 02, 2008 02:51
Me? Go figure.
Anyway, a few days ago, I had the inexplicable urge to look up a certain part of Magic's Promise, and have subsequently ended up rereading almost the entire trilogy. Not from the beginning, of course, but you can do that with books you've already read. I still have issues rereading all the angst in Magic's Pawn though. Can't do it all in one sitting, and I either read around the death or pick it up somewhere in the middle of the scene and go from there.
I'd really almost forgotten how much I love, not even the books, so much as the characters. I love Van, whiny bitch that he often is, and Stef is just love. I honestly think I like him a bit better than 'Lendel, though technically I suppose it's kind of a moot point. Whatever. He and Van have hotter sex. Works for me.
Sigh. And I do love the songs. Case in point? Listening to Shadow Stalker as I type, even though it says Shadow Lover in my music thing. Listened to that too. I loves it. ♥
Hmm, other than that, I suppose life is okay. I do open tomorrow, so me sitting here and not sleeping isn't exactly smart, but it's not entirely unexpected either. Ugh, and I have a fucking response to Fredrick Douglass to write tomorrow for lit. I don't wanna.
Oh, saw a gay play today. Yesterday. Last night. Wtf ever. It was amusing, and one of the main guys was at least half naked most of the time, sometimes in his underwear. He was pretty. I like to tell myself that he's actually gay and not just acting, because that just makes everything better.
Bah. Yeah. Not much else. Christ, spring break is almost here. How did that happen?
Have I mentioned my desperate need for new icons? And probably an entire journal overhaul? 'Cause it's pretty bad.
Edit the Second:
Also, I've been feeling the need to write recently, but most of my muses tend to have trouble existing on their own. It's like I have all this creativity when pushed in the right direction by the right thing, but otherwise I haven't got a drop of original thought or energy when it comes to writing. And I only ever get snapshots, never anything involving any kind of greater storyline or plot. I'd like to be able to have a story in my head, you know, instead of just mindless little bits of mundane life and interaction or introspection. Sigh. I suppose that's what I liked about rp. I didn't have to be the one coming up with interesting ideas, and all I had to do was react to others instead of beating my brains out trying to get some semblance of life out of my characters. Reacting was so much easier because I do fail at the originality thing. But it's also frustrating.
Damn it. I could never be a Bard, at least not a full one. I'd never be able to compose anything. Maybe it's just as well. I don't think I'd look all that good in crimson anyway.
not sleeping,