Took 2 days leave until today ^_^
Anywhoo, soo happy that finally my stuffs from Japan are all completed and ready to be delivered to my side (^O^)/
Aside of HSJ stuffs, I finally managed to buy the official merchandises from Matsushita Yuya's site!!
I bought his charm-strap and tote-bag!
I don't know how they look like in actual size, so, tanoshimi ni matte ima~su!! They kinda costy, JPY. 3,000 in total, but I'm happy! Hope all of my items could arrive safely, and this time, I'll be waiting patiently until the Custom finished checking them... Driving all the way to the airport will add another additional costs this and that, so I'll wait like a good girl... They better finished with their errands in December and get in line with their own rules of checking ^_^
And last night, my bro finally finished DL-ing The Constructor game for my netbook and just now he installed it. He has a good side sometimes LOL
He's playing it now while I'm preoccupied with internet XP
And last.............waiting patiently for Hidarime Tantei EYE 4! Hanashi ga dondon omoshiroku natte kita neee~ I wanna see Morimoto Shintaro....... He looks more like Ryuutaro's twin than his younger bro... XP
Maaa~ Kore mo tanoshimi ni matte imasu yoo~