(no subject)

Dec 05, 2010 01:39

Hey people~ I'm Nyra~ But please just call me Nay~

I'm actually not new to LJ cause I've been here for almost 2 years now~

I just switched fandom from J-POP to K-POP~ I'm currently in SuJu fandom~

I know that some of Jpop fans and Kpop fans are defending their own fandom but please don't consider me as one~ cause I think that both fandom are cool and special in their own ways~ so Just please don't hate me cause of my fandom :D ( cause I know that some of my friends hated me just because i switched fandom recently) TT.TT

I'm 16 y/o (gonna be 17 in a month~)

I'm gonna state that I LOVE YESUNG soo much~ that guy is so precious~ He really encourages me sometimes~ ^^

right now I haven't had that many of friends yet from SuJu fandom but I'll try to make friends starting now~

and I'm currently in my senior year in Highschool~ so that means a little bit more study than fangirl-ing (though I couldn't stand it if i don't read one fanfic in a day) lol~~

I used to write fics all the time~~ but now since I just started in a SuJu fandom I'm not going to write yet (but will soon) cause besides that I'm currently concentrating in my study, also because i wanted to deepened my knowledge for each of the members first so I could capture their personality just in the right amount (though OOC could be acceptable too XD)

so thats all~  Oh yeah also I never bash on someone, or something , or some group and idols~ so I might not be the right person who you can bash something or someone with~ ^^

okay just in case this is my previous account takayama_luv

thats all folks~ bye bye<3

#introducing my self, #first post

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