(no subject)

May 07, 2005 12:14

What is your inner-hair color?
Unnatural rainbow-ish color
A little confused are we? Maybe not, it's very likely that you are simply into change and experimenting, and what better way than dying your hair crazy colors? :-D Have fun with life m'dear, don't let anyone convince you to be normal or less unique. You're fab the way you are!

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You Are the Very Gay SpongeBob!

Because the religious right says so...
And because his best friend looks a bit too much like a penis.

What Gay Childhood Icon Are You?

I thought I was much more perfect than that.

1. YOUR PORN STAR NAME: (Name of first pet / Street you grew up on):
Bandit Brookside

2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (Name of your favorite snack food / Grandfather's first name):
Rollup Norman

3. YOUR FASHION DESIGNER NAME: (First word you see on your left / Favorite restaurant):
Cruel Court

4. EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS: (Favorite Spice / Last Foreign Vacation Spot):
Ginger Florida

5. SOCIALITE ALIAS: (Silliest Childhood Nickname / Town Where You First Partied):
Giggles Toronto

6. "FLY GIRL" ALIAS (a la J. Lo): (First Initial / First Two or Three Letters of your Last Name):
J. She.

7. ICON ALIAS: (Something Sweet Within Sight / Any Liquid in Your Kitchen):
Sugar Soap

8. DETECTIVE ALIAS: (Favorite Baby Animal / Where You Went to High School):
Kitten Clarkson

9. BARFLY ALIAS: (Last Snack Food You Ate / Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink):
Candy Cosmo

10. SOAP OPERA ALIAS: (Middle Name / Street Where You First Lived):
James Brookside

11. ROCK STAR ALIAS: (Favorite Candy / Last Name Of Favorite Musician):
Reese Stefani
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