Sep 10, 2008 20:29
:( im kinda depressed
1. i found the person i created as THE perfect person years ago and hes taken
2. my dad is being a fucktard and my mum is her usual bitchy self i come back from a REALLY long day at college and my dad wants me to tidy my room and make my own dinner even if i want the same thing he's making and my brother decided he wouldnt make me any with his food either theyre just insensitive JERKS
3. this old guy came onto me on the bus earlier and i was shit scared ><
4. my mum decided to randomly come down tomorow so i have to stop all plans i made for my day off for her
5. i keep arguing with my dad and i dont want to
6. i want to move out again :(
7. and my family is making me feel fat again :'(
the only good thing is the weather was nice today for once