
Oct 21, 2008 21:48

A is for Age: 22
B is for Book: anything by Laurell K. Hamilton, I’m currently chomping at the bit for Swallowing Darkness to be released.
C is for Career: art museum girl
D is for Dad's name: James/Jimmy… meh
E is for Essential items to bring to a party: yourself and friends
F is for Fun: hanging with friends
G is for last Gift: umm… Nick bought me breakfast at Denny’s on Sunday?
H is for Hometown: Winter Springs, Florida
I is for Instruments you play: none, I wish though
J is for Jam or Jelly that you like: grape and strawberry
K is for Kids: not sure yet
L is for Living arrangements: currently a dorm
M is for Mom's name: Carolyn
N is for Name of your best friend(s): Nick, Anthony, Chris, Eric, Ginger, Alexis, Lindsey
O is for overnight hospital visits: none, ever
P is for Phobia: spiders, 3-D, roller coasters
Q is for Quote you like: Some people are like slinkies, they don’t really have a purpose but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
R is for Reality show: umm… none really, maybe Project Runway
S is for Siblings: none
T is for time you go to bed: around midnight-ish
V is for Vegetable you love: corn, peas, asparagus and a few others
W is for Worst trait: probably hair pulling
X is for X-rays you've had: one for my wisdom teeth
Y is for yummy food: I’ll try anything once.
Z is for zodiac sign: Libra

[1.] Male friend: Nick <3 (Anthony too!)
[2.] Female friend: hard to decide, it’s a tie between Alexis, Lindsey and Ginger
[3.] Cousins: none, I dislike them          
[4.] Vacation: Sanibel Island
[5.] Time of Day: Dusk
[6.] Day of the week: Friday
[7.] Food: All kinds of things.
[8.] Memory: 4th of July 2008, and my 22nd birthday

[1.] Person you saw: Lauren (roommate)          
[2.] Talked to on the phone: My mother   
[3.] Why is there no #3: I don't know?       
[4.] Pmed Me: Alexis
[5.] Message over facebook: Adam Cripps, who is the president of archeology club.

[1.] What are you doing now: this thing, talking to Alexis and Nick
[2.]What are you wearing right now: Clothes    
[3.]Better then Yesterday: Not really…

[1.] Is: Another day?
[2.] Got any plans: Studying for a test :(
[3.] Dislikes about tomorrow: Did I mention the test?

[1.] Number: 16 and 21           
[2.] Song: Too many to list
[3.] Color: Purple
[4.] Season: Fall

[1.] Missing: My wolfie, who else?
[2.] Mood: sleepy
[3.] Wanting: see missing

[True or False]
[I am a cuddler] True!
[I am a morning person] False
[I am a perfectionist] True
[I am an only child] True
[I am currently in pajamas] False
[I can be paranoid at times] True
[I enjoy country music] True
[I love smoothies] True
[I enjoy talking on the phone] True
[I have a hard time paying attention at school] False
[I have a hidden talent] False?
[I have all my grandparents] False

[I have been told that I have a sense of humor] True
[I have broken a bone] False
[I have changed a lot over the past year] True!
[I have done something illegal] False?
[I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color] False
[I have had surgery] False

The Cans:
can you blow a bubble? With gum, yes
can you dance? I’ve been told so.
can you do a cart wheel? Maybe, but I’d look like a dork.
can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue? Yes XD
can you touch your toes? Yes
can you whistle? Yes
can you wiggle your ears? No
can you wiggle your nose? I don’t know…

The Dids:
did you ever get into a fist fight in school? Nope
did you ever run away from home? Nope
did you ever want to be a doctor? At one point in my life.

The Dos:
do you believe in god? Sure
do you know how to swim? Yes
do you like roller coasters? NO!
do you have a bike? Yes

The Haves:
have you ever been on a plane? Yes
have you ever asked someone out? No, I don’t think so
have you ever been asked out by someone? Yes
have you ever been to the ocean? Yes
have you ever gone fishing? Yes
have you ever painted your nails? Yes

The Hows:
how tall are you? 5’ 8”
how much money do you have in your pocket right now? Cash, none. It’s very sad.

The Lasts:
last person you hung out with? Lauren
last thing you said out loud? “Lauren”
last thing someone said to you? “Hmm…what?” from Lauren in reply.

The Whats:
what is the temperature outside? Chilly-ish.
what radio station do you listen to? None
what was the last restaurant you ate at? Denny’s
what was the last thing you bought? Gas
what was the last thing you had to drink? Chocolate Milk
what was the last thing on tv you watched? V for Vendetta on Sunday

Happy Section:
are you a happy person? I try to be.
what can make you happy? Being around my friends and boyfriend.
do you wish you were happier? Who doesn’t?
can music make you happy? Defiantly!

Hate Section:
do you actually hate anyone? Yes
have you ever been on a hate list? Probably
are you a mean bully? In middle school I was.

Look At Me:
what is your current hair color? My natural light brown color.
current piercings? None, too chicken.
have any tattoos? Nope, but the idea is always in the back of my head.
straight hair or curly? Wavy, unless I straighten it.

Bedtime soon, me thinks.

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