Beset by mosquitos, voles and other undesirables...

Jun 19, 2009 16:18

 If the animals try to squeeze inbetween my ankles and the wet canvas one more time and get fur stuck all over the paint in a desperate bid for attention, I've just found volunteers for some new paintbrushes. I've been incommunicado, dependent on my grandparents' dial-up connection except when I can escape with Mac to the cousins' place next door (see: almost two miles away) like I have now. I've got my grandpa (see: Buddy) peering over my shoulder at every brushstroke I make and trying to tell me every little thing to do--I didn't even get to start painting until Wednesday, he had me redoing the original sketch for four days until the paper was nearly worn through. Damned if I'm staying out here past Sunday though, and damned if I'm ever drawing a corsair jet again. There's nothing worse than an ocd marine. I spent my entire birthday with the exception of lunch slaving over a hot easel--literally, it was 96+ degrees yesterday and hotter in the garage, el impromptu studio--being eaten up by bugs and nearly passing out from the heat every fifteen minutes. Didn't get to bed until the sun rose. I'd forgotten how easy it is to get caught up in a painting, no matter how crap my skills. I think I've eaten my weight in blueberries over the past week, the storage freezer being right in the garage.

Aaand I'm no longer a teenager. Perfect.

So I'm taking a minute to get the bitching out. :P

My granny did throw me a nice little lunch party though, which was really, really sweet. It was cute watching her running around trying to keep everything a secret: the migration of two new cartons of sodas to the garage freezer and back again right under my nose was a bit of a giveaway. x3 But the cousins came over and we had a good time, even if they couldn't stay long. (Because unlike me, everyone else has something to do with themselves this summer--NO! No bitching! No more!!) And my parents called me, and it was nice. They're coming up for my cousins' cousin's wedding this weekend. This would be the son of the high-school best friend of my mama, the only princess Carlisle county, Kentucky, ever produced, and she feels obligated to return. And since some distantly-related-by-marriage-or-something great-aunt of the family's died on Wednesday and I had to attend the funeral, and was stuck wearing the only nice dress I'd brought, for church the previous Sunday, I'll be wearing it again for the weekend wedding and everyone out here is going to assume it's the only decent dress I own. >P Booo planning. Of course, I hadn't originally planned to be out here for more than a few days and packed accordingly, but some Korean vet I won't name **hack**COUGH** won't leave well enough alone. Next time he can paint his own darn 50-something-year-old-memory.

I can't wait to get back to painting smut on my computer, it's much more my speed.

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