I Haven't Worn a Bra in Four Days, and I Don't Mind Telling You it Feels Bloody Great!

Aug 05, 2008 23:46

This is our last night at our Fort Walton seaside condo, and I'm going to miss saying that. :3 It's been amazing, we started out at 10pm from Louisville on Saturday and drove through, the night, my father and I (Mama claimed it was her job to keep us entertained from the passenger seat, but we have eighteen more hours left to drive on this trip and she's in for a rude awakening.) I took the wheel from 11-4am, and it wasn't so bad atall. We arrived in Florida Sunday morning, had breakfast at a Waffle House (traditional start-of-vacation brekkie for the Evans clan) and shopped around for groceries before check-in.

While everyone else was unpacking, I couldn't wait another second--I ran out to the beach which is LOVELY AND AMAZING and I am sooooo utterly utterly hopelessly head-over-heels for! The sound of the waves, the smell of the air, the feel of sand unstable beneath your bare feet, it's all just so alive and rushing around you! I promptly spent the next four hours frolicking in the waves and getting hideously sunburned, but I'm used to that sort of thing. After a while, the others came out as well, and Mama and I built a FABULOUS sandcastle replica of (our interpretation of) the Castle of Llyr--see Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain. She's much better at towers than I am, I'm totally incompetant, so the wallwork and front steps and half of the layout design were my contribution. XD! We took lots of pictures, they'll be up on facebook shortly with the Disney ones as well. Sadly, our castle was gone--trampled by human feet and half-lost to the tides--by the next morning.

We've been eating excellently, and healthily too, and those aren't adjectives I often combine. Dad's been cooking alot, delicious lobsteresque freshwater shrimp the first night and rice salad with mint and citrus and fried oysters last night, and tonight we went totally vegetarian (out of meat, oops, XD), garlic spinach and potatos and steamed broccoli and fresh salad (and the lettuce is SO fresh down here!) I've lost a ton of weight between the ocean and the cuisine, and have been lolling around the beach/condo in tank dresses and ratty flip-flops.

There was a storm of some sort, a hurricane maybe, I hear (too detached from reality at the moment to bother), that had my grandmother calling to make sure we were alright and washed tons of shells up on shore. The water is green near the shore, but not from pollution, from all the weeds and debris and fuss that's washed in on the huge waves we've been getting. I was tempted to buy a boogie board, they're so huge, but reasoned that I'd probably be abysmal at it anyway and won't be able to use it again for years, and that's optimistically. Instead I've been combing the beach for the shells that have been washing up, really interesting ones too (I'm making a crab's-claw necklace!) and watching the surfers and boogieboarders who are actually competant ply their hobby out in the deeper water. It's absolutely hilarious, too, they're almost constantly wiping out and I swear this one kid's board flew right out from under him and what must have been twenty feet in the air--it was a foam board, though, so he'll probably live. But this NEVER gets old, swear to Anne Bonney.

I should probably mention that the first thing that happened upon our coming within five miles of the beach, along with the distinctive salt taste in the air, is that the ocean played havoc with Mama's and my hair. She tries to straighten hers, though my dad prefers it curly and wild as it naturally is, and sure enough, the oceanside humidity has it flipping out like nobody's business, more than usual, even. It's enhanced my own curl, too, and to my chagrin, washed out a lot of the remaining red. Dad gets this happy look on his face whenever he sees our hair now, and in his own words (to Mama), "Your hair is curling, Sarah's is blonde...balance has been restored to the universe." I'd like to put a jellyfish in his bed sometimes, but have settled for taking pictures of him beachside, he hates taking pics in his trunks. Men are so very vain, after all.

Just stepping out onto our balcony here is fantastic, and when the sun has set and I've been outside that day, haven't even had to be IN the ocean, and I haven't had a shower since the evening before, I taste really salty and delicious. The ocean does fabulous things for one's skin apparently, in addition to flavoring it (I can has a flavor), Mama's been walking around on the beach not just for the exercise and the pretty, but because it pummices one's feet. That makes sense when I think about it...

Very tired. Hair spazzing lovelyly. I wish we had the entire week to spend right here, but it has come to an end--tomorrow at noon, we set of for the Shades of Green resort at Disney World in Orlando! Pray for me wallet, it may not survive.

May the stars always light yer way, and may ye actually know how to read 'em. G'night me hearties!

florida, pirates, disney world, beach, fort walton

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