Not fun times, dead car battery, dead fish, and bad training areas...What next? D:

Feb 15, 2009 16:43

Ugh, Friday was HELLACIOUS...I was bleeding to death and we had a massive hit at the I couldn't go home early even if I was on my hands and knees begging!!! DX But I finally got to go home around 9 when things slowed back down. And Malcom and his girl bailed on Geoff's uber pissy right now. Then yesterday the battery on my 'Thunderchicken' died so I had to drop about $54 for that; thankfully Friend (Brad) was home and could come get the battery out and put the new one in. The guy at Mal-Wart said the old one was only putting out about 2 amps worth of power...and it was over 5 years old. 8D; So I was lucky that my car has even been starting.

Since Malcom bailed out the last minute (due to illness with him and his girl apparently) I have all this extra meat that Onna bought to feed us all this week...So I have a porkchop bundle and 6 cube steaks in my fridge right now...So Chris and Erin are gonna come over for din din tonight after some bowling at Clancey's~ Woo!!! I get to show off my skillz now that my headache is gone! Brandon's bed is surprisingly comfy and I miss having my buckwheat pillow~ <3 I had to steal his since there's cat poop on mine (gotta start cleaning all that this week...damn cat's going back outside soon!) and Brad's still home, so I can't steal the waterbed.

My fish are dying off! D: I'm guessing one of the newer fish I bought had ick since my catfish randomly broke out with it after my female beta died the other day. So now I'm worried about my huge female guppy that has spots on her and one of my male guppies. I know Leafy (my leaf fish) is fine, though he's been in his cave a lot more recently, as well as the other 2 male guppies and my Emperial Tetra. So yeah, it's just 4 guppies, a sucker fish, Leafy, and the Tetra left...It's so depressing without my catfish! TTATT Hopefully this still clears up soon so I can drain part of the tank and change the water...and then get new fish...My 'mean' tank is fine thankfullly. 8D

Everyone's that's played Trickster for a while is kinda miffed after the revamp the Snow Hills area this last patch. You can't get to Techichi Volcano area unless you walk through an area with upped monster strength, the old Bugbear training area for like lvls 75-110 is worthless now since they upped the strenght and abilities of the Jokers and Bugbears (so now it's like training for 120+ if you're lucky), and Snow Field 3 (a popular training ground) and Ice Dungeon 3 are gone...Way to fuck up the game! There's a huge gap in lvl training areas now...which sucks since my bunny is at lvl 115 and weak to magic, so I can't really do Bugbears yet and the Key Quests for Vampire Dungeon starts at lvl 120, and even the monster quests in that area suck since there's Punisher Beast Vicentino's walking around with hax attack range and mad killing power (much like all the other Punisher monsters they've put in...they need to GO AWAY!)

Okay, enough ranting; time for me to go home and get ready for bowling fun~ And cleaning a bit...woo.......

car problems, trickster, work, house, malcom visit, my lair, ranting, fish tank

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