Dec 05, 2008 18:23
So glad I have today off~~~ Though I have to work from 5 pm- either 1 or 2 a.m. tomorrow...whatever time we close or when boss lady decides to let me go home. =3
I've been looking at dollfies again. =X I shouldn't be because I really want at least one! But I have trouble saving money as it is... And if I'm going to Yaoi-con next year, I'll have to save as much as I can...And Kingdom Hearts:CoM Is out on PS2 now!!!! <333333 Me thinks I can talk Onna into getting it for me for x-mas so I don't have to spend moneys on it! <3 Yey more Axel!!!
Poor Hobbes...the stinky, matted furred old man that he is acts so attention deprived. He follows me everywhere if he gets the chance. I usually let him go downstairs with me when I get a can of food or some water for him, then he knows to come straight back up here. And then when I'm playing on the computer he's curled up on my feet, legs, or one arm and sleeps. And when I'm trying to sleep he's laying on whatever arm is sticking out from beneath the covers or pillow and always right beside me. It's cute, but slightly annoying. He's started headbutting me too if he knows I'm awake and not giving him attention while I'm in bed. I love him to pieces, but he needs a good grooming session...he's more matted than a collie...@.@; His head/face, neck, tail and paws are the olny parts of him that aren't all icky and clumped with fur. But what can you expect from a cat thats anywhere from 16-18 years old?
I'm insanely bored again...I'm La Tale'd out for the day and don't feel like updating Trickster, or playing it for that matter. Don't really feel like drawing since I did such a crappy job earlier with one of Kai...It came out alright, but his face bothers me...and I at least learned a bit about the watercolor brushes. I've just been in one of those moods like I have nothing to do when there's all sorts of fun stuff around me. I want nothing to do with anything...That's how lazy I am, I guess... *sigh* I guess I'll call Geoff to come pick me up from here soon so we can get food and then fight over the Wii about who's playing Animal Crossing. ME! I AM! X3