We're two weeks and some change away from the end of the challenge and I still haven't heard back from a couple of participants regarding their assignments. So I'm throwing this up again. I have a list of writers/artists who have volunteered their services in previous back up posts, but I just want to make sure that: a) they are still available b) they have already completed and published their main assignment.
So, if you're a participant you'll need to have completed your own assignment, but all non-participants are welcome.
And recipients, please take some time to leave feedback for your gifters, even if it's just a word or two of appreciation. They've worked hard on their assignments and I'm sure that they'd love to know that it was enjoyed and appreciated.
Oh oh, btw, ads for the V-Day Challenge go up on December 8th. I'm thinking of posting them at the
y_c_reverse mod acct. or creating a separate journal for that specific use so as not the clog up what will undoubtedly be (hoping it is anyway) a very busy last two weeks.