Thanks, Round III ML and this year's final YC challenge

Jul 16, 2006 08:33

I just want to apologize for the disappearing act at the end of this round. I've been undergoing some major life changes that left me little to no time to devote to online fun. Thank you all for carrying on and following through with your assignments while I was away. You guys rock!

I'll begin taking sign-ups for this year's final challenge today. We'll be putting away the requests for a bit and trying something different. The lovely and talented fluffyllama has agreed to let me play around steal with the format used over @ reversathon (HP). So start thinking about what you'd be willing to write, what characters/pairings you enjoy writing the most, about those major kinks (x-rated or not) and those icky squicks.

[x] Prayers and Promises [ 1] [ 2] by wildchildcait, writing tzubaro's request: Gundam Wing --  Heero/Duo/Wufei: . . . in anyway possible? I only care about the Happy Ending :D (angst/nastiness in between is just fine). [ Note: Oh, and if they end up in bed, Duo keeps his hair braided. yes. >] (NC-17)

[x] Upper Limits by no_utopia (Kenpachi/Ichigo) , writing pinstripesuit's request:  Bleach -- Zaraki/spirit of a male shinigami: Zaraki gets off on spirit power, so what happens when he finds someone with spirit comparable to his? Note: Smut definitely appreciated, either real or done in some sort of abstract manner (see: "gets off on spirit power"). However you can make this work. It would also be cool if the identity of the male shinigami could be kept secret until the end. (NC-17)

[x] Love's Labors Misinterpreted by gigabomb, writing cece_y's request:  Bleach:  Renji x Byakuya: Courting the head of the Kuchiki family is more difficult than Renji initially thought. [Note: I'd love to see Rukia giving him a helping hand XD>] (PG-13)

[x] Blaze by mistressrenet (Goku/Kougaji, Goku/Sanzo), writing wordsofastory's request: Saiyuki -- Goku/anyone but Sanzo (name-order makes no difference): So, we all know that the monkey is devoted to his sun, and whether you interpret that platonically or not is up to you. But does Goku never notice anyone else? (I'd prefer it not to be an OC, but do whatever works.) (NC-17)

[x] By Numbers by gelfling8604, writing gigabomb's request:  Naruto -- Jiraiya x Orochimaru: AU where Orochimaru was chosen as the 4th Hokage instead of blondy. All the sannin are still around, including Tsunade. Orochimaru hates paperwork. Jiraiya is more than happy to distract him.

[x] Saved by scribblemoose, writing psycho_shoelace's request: Saiyuki:  Hakkai x Gojyo: Set in the ‘Burial’ period (meaning: before the journey). Sexual tension has been building up between both since they met, with nothing actually happening. How can an episode involving a spoon change it all? Be original! (MA)

[x] See the Strings by no_utopia[Aizen/Gin, past Gin/Ran (hinted) ], writing bigbadteddy's request:  Bleach -- Azien x Gin: Azien torments Gin about Ran and that Azien is the only person that Gin needs in his life. Gin submits only after Azien promises not to hurt Rangiku. (NC-17)

[x] Say Not by icefalls_tears (Jean/Yu), writing ponderosa121's request: Spriggan -- Jean/Ominae: Arcam sends Jean and Yu to protect an Artifact at a shrine. They’re trapped by it and forced to admit their feelings for one another. (R)

[x] Changing Positions by shinigamikender, writing gigabomb's request: Bleach -- Ulquiorra/Grimmjaw: Ulquiorra gains the edge in their fights after Grimmjaw loses an arm to Tousen, either because of Grimmjaw's loss of prestige after disobeying Aizen or because of his new physical disability. (R/NC-17, NonCon)

[x] Hurt by misskalloway, writing neko_myka's request: FFVII:AC -- Yazoo/Kadaj: Yazoo grows increasingly jealous of Kadaj's attention being focused on Cloud. (PG)

[x] No More Regret by kohakutenshi, writing wordsofastory's request:  YnM -- Years pass; Hijiri's an adult, Hisoka's still a teen. Who resents the other more? (Not fluffy, please!) (NC-17)

[x] Spiders in the Wall by midnightdiddle, writing gelfling8604's request: Fullmetal Alchemist -- Ed x Envy: Post anime, in Germany. Human Envy (how he gets that way is up to the author, so is how he appears). Working from the angle that they’re the only ones who know what’s really going on and what they really are, and how living on the outskirts of everything means that killing each other is a luxury they don’t have anymore. I’m guessing Envy would have more information on how the Gate works than Ed would, but wouldn’t know how to make the information work for him. Bonus points for blackmail, cross-dressing, hair tips, Heiderich, and coffee-dates, but none of these are necessary. (R/NC-17)

[x] The Problem With Because by windsorblue( 2x3x4 main; 1xR, 5xC mentioned), writing cold_tea's request: Gundam Wing -- How Duo & Trowa persuaded Quatre that a male/male relationship is OK, and that the two of them is what he needs.  (R/NC-17ish)

[x] Second Chance by gryvon, writing neko_myka's request:  Wild Rock -- After years apart, Selem and Yuni finally meet up again. (NC-17)

[x] Thought and Dee'd by gryvon, writing blacksarah's request: FAKE -- Dee tries to convince Ryo that he's really the 'sensitive type.' (NC-17)

[x] Release by scribblemoose, writing avenger_pudding's request: Saiyuki -- Sanzo x Gojyo x Hakkai: When a group of 4 guys are traveling that long... they have to release their tension somewhere. But, along the way, Sanzo notices that he is being left aside of the action... [Note: First time, no angst please (at least, not the main theme)>]  (MA)

[ Round One ML]
[ Round Two ML]
Wave 3 Stats --
Total # of Stories Written : 52
# Stories by fandom:

Final Fantasy VII - 6
Bleach - 5
Weiss Kreuz - 5
Yami no Matsuei - 5
Fullmetal Alchemist - 3
Gundam Wing - 3
Saiyuki - 3
Naruto - 2
Antique Bakery - 1
DN Angel - 1
FAKE - 1
Final Fantasy VII AC - 1
Final Fantasy VIII - 1
Final Fantasy X - 1
Fushigi Yuugi - 1
Gravitation - 1
Here is Greenwood - 1
Hikaru no Go - 1
KKM - 1
Loveless - 1
Petshop of Horrors - 1
Samurai 7 - 1
Slayers - 1
Spriggan - 1
Star Ocean 3 - 1
Under a Glass Moon - 1
Wild Rock - 1
Yu Yu Hakusho - 1
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