(fic) Wonderland (Gundam Wing, Quatre x Wufei, NC-17)

Dec 29, 2005 10:20

title: Wonderland
fandom: Gundam Wing
pairing: Quatre and Wufei
author: windsor blue
rating: NC-17
warnings: PWP, mirror sex, language
written for playpossum, who asked for: 4x5, sex in front of a mirror. Dirty-talking, dominant Quatre, and Wufei on his knees, being his usual smartass self and mostly succeeding. Would like to see an obvious established relationship, spanking, and a mention of Quatre's hands gripping hard enough to bruise.

"My God, but you have beautiful skin." Quatre's hands trailed along Wufei's arms, pushing his shirtsleeves down - down to off, the fabric rustling as it hit the floor.

Wufei shivered at the touches - Quatre's finger-trails and conditioned air set to 78 degrees exactly. He couldn't take his eyes off of himself in the mirror, his own skin - beautiful now, because Quatre declared it so - and imagined that his shivers followed Quatre's fingers like the aftershocks of an earthquake; the kind of earthquake that killed and destroyed, but he could neither face nor admit to what Quatre was destroying, and so he let out a snort that wanted to be derisive.

"Save the flowery language for the next woman you bed."

Behind him, flush with him and peering at their reflections over Wufei's shoulder - naked bodies and wants flayed open upon the glass - Quatre bit Wufei's neck and tightened his grip on Wufei's wrists. "Lover, you know I don't bed women anymore." Strong, willful hands pushed Wufei's hands onto his own cock, made him stroke it. "I have to use it on you, or else I'll forget how to do it altogether. Now be nice, or I'll have to spank you." Quatre's left hand released Wufei's wrist, moved to encircle his waist and pull him that much closer, tighter - even as his right hand was gripping Wufei's right wrist all the harder. "That - yes - keep doing that, both hands...God, what a sight."

Wufei's head fell back against Quatre's shoulder, and when he groaned, the word "Pervert" came out.

Quatre laughed softly, lips on Wufei's ear and in his hair. He gave Wufei a mostly-playful swat on the ass. "Unabashedly so. How could I not be when you look like this?"

Wufei squirmed, wriggled a bit in Quatre's embrace, until Quatre's cock was teasing along his crack and his hole. "You talk about me as if I'm pornography," Wufei said.

"You talk as if you're not." Quatre let go of Wufei's wrist and pushed two fingers into Wufei's mouth. "Just look at yourself." Quatre's teeth were grazing Wufei's ear as he spoke, setting off little tremors along Wufei's spine. "Jerking yourself off with both hands, my fingers in your mouth, grinding against my dick like a common whore...there isn't a thing about you that doesn't beg to be fucked."

Wufei pushed Quatre's fingers out of his mouth with his tongue. "I'm not a whore." He tried to sound insulted but his voice was belied by a smug smirk - Quatre talked like a vulgar sex vid when he was turned on past the point of reason, but not until. Somehow knowing he'd driven Quatre to that point yet again seemed like a victory.

"Nor are you common." Quatre's fingers were pressing into him, and Wufei swallowed a gasp. "But you do want me to fuck you, don't you?"

Wufei shivered - aftershock-ripples making his thighs weak - and dropped down, supporting his weight on his left hand, still stroking himself with his right. He looked up at their reflection and met Quatre's eyes. "Now..." he breathed.

Quatre's fingers spread him and the head of his cock nudged inside. The fingers slipped out - in the mirror, Wufei saw Quatre spit into his palm and stroke the shaft before pushing the rest of the way in - and Wufei grit his teeth. "There...yes...fuck!"

"Fuck..." Quatre echoed, almost simultaneously. His hands held Wufei at the hips, fingertips fever-hot and solid, and when Wufei closed his eyes he could see the little oval bruises that Quatre's fingers were surely leaving upon his skin; the dark-to-fading marks of hard sex that bore witness to both abandon and worship, things Wufei had not thought himself capable of before this thing with Quatre had begun. And then one of Quatre's hands was in Wufei's hair, pulling his head up.

"Look." Quatre's voice came out in a geyser-hiss. "Open your eyes and look."

So Wufei did.

He saw himself there in the glass - through the looking-glass and down the rabbit hole and maybe Wonderland was in those moments when the fucking was coming close but not coming yet, when open mouths and gasping breaths and disheveled hair and sweaty skin were all beauty marks rather than signs of madness. Maybe it was in the rough sounds in Quatre's throat when he came, or when he pulled Wufei up to sitting on his lap, his cock going half-soft inside Wufei's body and his hand wrapping itself over Wufei's hand, over Wufei's dick, throbbing still and so hard it hurt and making him stroke faster, firmer, more - Wufei's come was on his stomach and on their joined hands, and even as he went soft Quatre kept making him stroke, slowing gradually. Wufei shivered. "Enough...too much."

Quatre licked at the salt-sweat at the juncture of Wufei's neck and shoulder. "Never enough," he whispered. He rolled his hips, and Wufei swore - Quatre's cock was stirring inside him, starting to grow hard again and Quatre's come was leaking out of his body. Wufei groaned and his hand dropped to grasp at Quatre's thigh, leaving finger-bruises of his own.

"Never enough," Quatre repeated, and this time Wufei heard the question in the declaration - want to? once more? - and Wufei nodded.

"Never," Wufei replied, and he ground his hips back into Quatre's lap and begged for another fuck.
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