I posted an entry yesterday and I realized that using an LJ cut screwed up my entry. I'm still not used to using it from the rich text editor and that must have been the problem. I spent an hour trying to figure out whats wrong and eventually gave up. Manually using an LJ cut didn't really help so I just removed it after some time.
I woke up a few minutes before lunch and television networks have been airing updates on Cory's wake the whole day. I was expecting a lot more fanfare surrounding the event but I must say I'm impressed. Its good that politicians and celebrities weren't whoring themselves as much though they probably don't need to. At the very least, they know how to respect the dead which apparently, TV networks don't. While I understand the need to air her request for PGMA to step down, I don't get why they should air her apology for Erap. Maybe she did want them aired but really, isn't that something that his camp can use on the next election? So she was one of the people who called for ousting him from his seat but at that time, it was the best decision she could have made. No one knew that PGMA would cheat on the next election (?) or that she would be accused of committing a dozen human rights violation and still, ousting Erap remains as her best decision to date. What she should apologize for is honoring the billions of Marcos' debt when we could have just outright said that we would not bear the burden left by the regime, and supporting PGMA's rise to power.
While she's not much of a politician, I would still like to see more supporters attending her funeral this Wednesday because in comparison, she did more for the country than FPJ. I guess that's her appeal as a public figure.
On another note, I'm already excited for Friday. One, there's GI Joe though I don't know if I'll be able to watch it that day and
xheno_zeta will also be going to UP. I'm still not sure if I'll be able to meet my buddy though. I'm actually scared that it'll be more like Street Fighter than Spiderman though but from what I've seen and Rotten Tomatoes score, it wouldn't be a waste of money.