Nov 09, 2004 22:29
At Seekers today, we talked about love. On the way home, I was reflecting on some conversations i had with some friends lately about love, particularly relationships. So here are some thoughts.
Its a human desire to seek love, to seek someone to be in a relationship with. However, it should never make you feel sad or depressed. (Of course, there may be those moments, but they should only be passing moments. The underlying emotion should be joy.) If you're pining after someone, and its making you miserable, its not worth it, and it probably was not meant to be. God wants us to be happy, to be at peace. Always seek that peace.
Don't rush. There is a timing in everything. Even if you have to wait 2, 5, 10 years for that special someone, its worth it because you have the rest of your life to spend with them!
Even the shy-est, quietest person would voice their feelings for you if they see some hope that you like them. (Something I haven't said before, S.G.) Most people, even the quietest person, seek that loving relationship, and they would surely voice their feelings in the hopes of starting that relationship.
Be comforted in knowing that IF you are called to that path, God has someone planned for you. Be comforted in knowing that God loves you with an infinite love, a self-giving love. He wants the best for you, what would make you happy, and you would be the happiest living His will.
So don't live in sadness, don't live with a hole within you. Fill that hole with love, faith, and hope. Realize that God loves you with an overwhelming love, more than anyone on Earth can EVER love you. Live in faith that God has a plan for you and that this plan will make you the happiest you can be. Live in hope for that fulfillment of God's will.
Let us pray for an increase in love, faith, and hope!