(no subject)

Dec 09, 2017 05:48

Стараюсь не стоять в стороне и параллельно с Лёшиным курсом воскрешать освежать свой Pre-Intermediate. В сегодняшнем задании нужно было написать эссе на одну из очень провокационных тем.
Здесь и "Gay marriages are wrong" и "A woman’s place is in the home" были в достатке.

Мне сложно вспомнить, когда я последний раз писала осмысленный текст на английском (не на рабочую тему с ограниченной лексикой). Решила попробовать. Моё шуточное эссе от лица Лёши на тему курения:

I don't like to discuss slippery subjects.
I think that I can't impose my opinion on others. So I don't believe that the truth is born in an argument. (a Latin phrase: "The Truth in an amphora" is close to me more). :shy:
About my friends, I respect their valuable sight for various problems and don't want to quarrel over such stupid trifles. That's why I try to express my view tactfully.
The topic is: "Smoking should be banned worldwide".
I can't agree with it. Everyone has the right to have respect for his or her private life. We must control our health by self. How can I distribute my lifestyle ideas to others?
Ok, smoking is bad for your health is proved. Oh wait, how many harmful habits do we also have but still don't want to forbid them by law? And how will we take care of many addicted people in the whole world? I think society has to be more loyal to weaknesses each other. Motivating people to respect another choice is worth more.
What about restrictions on smoking in public places, I support this rules fully. For example, my girlfriend hates tobacco smoke. I respect her right to breath by clean air. I quit smoking cigarettes and bought the vaporizer.

Думаю, будет полезно прочитать его спустя какое-то время. Надеюсь, не с уровнем Beginner.


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