spreesgaloreFB[+1385/2/-2]Thanks for all feedbacks! (:
Confirmed orders:
Terms & Conditions:
Please join only if you’re comfortable
Please be prepared to wait for about 3-4 weeks.
Please make payment before posting of orders.
Orders are taken in by the sequence of payment shown in my IBanking statement.
Frozen comment = Orders taken in, Payment acknowledged.
Updates will be made on my livejournal page or via mass email. Please bookmark.
I will not be responsible if merchant ships wrong or damaged items. I will check all orders before ordering.
I will not responsible for lost/damaged normal mails. Registered mailing are much preferred and recommended.
Refunds for OOS items will be made after all items arrive.
I reserve the right to accept/reject orders and close the spree if response is poor or in the event of any unforeseen circumstances.
1) Website Ordering From
2) Spree Cap/Close Date:
US$ 300.
Max 2 batches.
3) Email Address:
yanting_spree@hotmail.com 4) Exchange Rate:
USD1 : SGD1.33
5) Mode of payment
Please use LJ nick.
DBS Current Account 106-902940-6 (w.e.f. 1 May 2014)
ATM transfer allowed but please add a few cents to distinguish that’s you.
Interbank transfer allowed through FAST transfer only.
1st payment - Item + Initial Shipping ($2)
2nd payment - Top-up for Shipping (if any) + Postage + Handling fee
6) Shipping Details
0.5 unit - Accessories/Underwear/Shades
1 unit - Tops/Bra/Belts
1.5 unit - Sweaters/Skirts/Shorts/Clutches
2 unit - Long Tops & Tunics/Dresses/Pants/Overall/Jumper
2.5 unit - Hoodies
Men's clothings will be 0.5 unit additional for each item.
If ordering shades, i'll not be liable for any breakage from F21 to me, and mailing from me to you. Will advise to opt for postpac box 1 @ $1.75.
Sorry, not taking in bags, shoes & fedora.
I reserve the right to amend shipping units when arrived.
7) Mode of distribution
Normal and Registered mailing only.
Please add $2.24 for Registered mailing.
$0.70 handling fee (brown paper, stationeries etc)
Postage rates according to Singpost
8) Format of order:
Please follow my order format strictly and double-check before posting.
I will be ordering based on the information provided.
Please round up to the nearest cent.
Please add into cart to make sure item’s availability.
Please save a picture of your item in case URL does not work.
Name/LJ nick:
Email address:
Account type and no.:
Item #1
Item name:
Alternative: (Only for same value)
Price in USD:
Total in USD:
Total in SGD: [(Price in USD) x 1.33] + [$2 x (no. of shipping units)] =
Paid via: ATM / IB
To account: DBS
Amt paid:
Date & Time of transfer:
Reference No:
Please refresh and count paid orders before you post. Thanks!